S.S. Daddy - 5 year old, no warranty claims

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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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OK was rearranging a few things in the basement and ran across my 2000 files, so pulled out my boat file to just look over my purchase paperwork. I remember RIGHT after I signed the contract at the boat show in mid-January I found the BFHP and read ALL the NASTY stuff about Trackers. So, 2 weeks later when I went in to take delivery and pay I negotiated for $625 the 5 year Pro Plan extended warranty with a $25 deductible. My thought was SOO many negative BFHP comments (every Tracker leaks, every Motor Guide Trolling motor breaks, every OEM part is crap...) that this was my FIRST real boat that I'd blow the cash and make sure for 5 years.

Well..... 5 years and 20 days later i've not made one warranty or extended warranty claim! The ONLY thing in 5 years that would have been a warranty claim, one of the trailer bunks rotted a screw hole 2 years ago, would have been covered but the parts (including a staple gun, staples, carpet, wood) were less then $25!!!

So, I guess i'm sitting here thinking MAN if I had taken that $625 and put it toward either a motor upgrade or other toy, i'd have something to show for it!! But, it was an insurance policy that I never needed.

I look forward to 5 more years of great use of my Tracker. Just thought I'd post my thoughts...

Hey Bill - Probably Murphys law!!!

by the way, Eli and I got skunked yesterday, and lost a 3 arm umbrella rig, but had a BLAST!!! Were in a cove with more BAIT then i've ever seen on my finder, probably the problem too much for the fish to eat and nothing to make them hit our bait or lures! Seemed the action was down lake about 10 miles from others i've talked to, but it was low 50's and cloudy and Eli didn't want to run fast, so we trolled and drifted and talked a bunch. He made me stop at walmart on the way home to buy him a Jig/Pig as his brother has one and he wants to try!!!

I'm hiding in the den - Noah is getting over the flu (he missed 4 out of 5 days last week), Eli just started running a fever, and Beka's been in bed all weekend with a cold, and i'm STAYING away from all of them!!!


If I buy the extended warranty I'm almost guaranteed to have a trouble free ownership. I paid a little over a $1000. for the 100K warranty on my Jeep and the only claim I made was for a cooling fan which would have cost $500. So it goes.

I was never a believer in the extended warrantys till I bought my 57" flatscreen. My neighbor was a manager at Circut City and told me that on electronics it would be a goo idea, so I trusted him and shelled out $300 for it. 4 months later we go away on vaca. and my lovely wife turns off the cable (which blackens the TV screen) but forgets to turn off the TV. We get home after a week and everything has a definite blue tint to it. End result, burned out all of the guns and had to replace most of the color guts. Would have been $2000.

I now "consider" them.

Trep - It's the "ounce of prevention" theory. Like Tox stated, I'd rather pay 10-ish% up front, than get sideswiped with a monster bill later. Although if it's something problematic that I am comfortable dealing with on my own, I won't pay for someone else to do it.
It is an Insurance Policy, but I am VERY happy that all the Bash Fishing Home Page guys were wrong about my boat!!! Fixed the drain plug fitting with the 5200 sealant you suggested, and water tight again!!

Here's to 5 more years of trouble free FISHING!!
Thats BFHP for you. The regulars on that page seem to have the mentality that what ever they have is the best and nothing compares to it. A lot of bashing on that web site. But it's good for a laugh.

I also think pretty about them. If it is a major purchase and I even "think" I may need it, then I go ahead and get it. For small stuff, naaww.

Donn, so true. I usually get disgusted and leave that site though. Waht a mess.....