Roland Martin Leads

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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2002
Reaction score
WOW, Roland Martin is leading the CITGO Bassmasters Tournament on Table Rock Lake going into the final day.

Paul Elias had led for the past two days. This tournament is going down to the final cast.
"Son",,The old guy can still fish, I love to watch him fish.
Brian, I agree with you, He is a blast to watch fish away from the camara, he gets real serious and doesnt mind sharing info as long as you dont get in his way. I have also seen paul on the water and he is the same way, must be an old school thing. I fish a benefit ( spelling)tournment that paul puts on every year on his home lake here In Mississippi and he does a simanar the night before, I have gotten alot of useful info from. one of the drawing prizes that he does at this tournament is a day on the water with him, hope I can win that one one day, I think that would be a blast.