?? Rob ?? Mini Champlain Rally

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Spanky P

Well-Known Member
May 23, 2001
Reaction score
Rob, I'm interested in possibly getting up for your rally. The dates are open for me. I wanted to attend KY rally, but had commitments to get my daughter to Ohio. Coming from S.E. Penna. I don't want to just fly by the seat of my pants and head up.

* What state are you in New York or Vermont?

* What town are you in?

* What marina or state ramp do you go out of?

* Would you know if I can get a non-resident license on


* Is it common in that area if you got a motel room for a

days it's o.k. to have a boat there? Charging my

batteries is my most important issue.

* Do you have a recomendation on a local motel for a few


* Is bass season in at that time? I want to catch and

release but don't want targeting fish to be an issue.

* Are both smallies and greenies in the same proximity?

* Do you guys fish for any walleye in that area? I don't

walleye fish but have caught some by freak catch luck.

If I do my homework and try to make my arraingments between now and than, it possibly will eliminate any nightmares and make the trip go smoothly. Thanks for the help.
Rob will fry what few brain cells he has left if he tries to answer all of those!!LOL

Spanky, do a search on "Champlain Rally" and you will get a lot of your q's answered. I'm sure LaMoist will respond also.

Bass season is open for catch and release only, Vermont side. N.Y. side season won't officially open till 12 June.

A vermont license will be reqired. They can be obtained just across the bridge at Rouses Point. Seasonal non-resident cost about 40 Dollars, one or two day license will run you 15 dollars. I believe Rob is planning on using the Chazey River State Launch which is just a short drive from Rouses point or from the Stonehelm motel.


Like everyone said, I am in Chazy NY. You can use the Pioneer Motel, they accomodate boats. The number is in another post.

Bass is NOT open except for C&R in VT only.

Yes, there are walleye, and that is a good time to catch them. Also, you can catch just about anything you heart desires in northern freshwater species within a 5 minute run from the Chazy River boat launch.

For a license, it's a short boat run and we can get you one. Or you can go to my website, www.northcountrybassandbirds.com and click on the VT license link Rich put on there and get it that way.

There are quite a few folks planning on coming already, and like I said, May is the time for serious toads on Champlain.

Shoot me an e-mail and I can give you more details. I will be posting directions as it gets closer.

You'll need a VT license if you go into the Inland Sea on the VT side. NY license is not reciprocal there. I buy both.

Bob G.
Folks, you NEED a license because you're fishing. You can't keep ANY bass on either side. VT is catch and release ONLY. NY, technically we cannot even target bass, but can pike and walleye fish. Should bass just happen to find our baits, we just need to return them promptly....AFTER pictures.

Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT put ANY bass in your livewell for ANY length of time on this weekend or you can be ticketed and fined.

The Pioneer is just down Rte 9 from the turn off for the Pt Au Roche launch. Their # is 518-563-3050.

For anyone that wants to stay at the Stonehelm, the rooms are fine and it's an easy location. But due to the new "clientel" in the back, I do not recommend leaving a boat out front overnight. That being said, anyone that wants to, is welcome to leave their boats at my house to charge and for safe keeping overnight and then get it in the morning before we launch. I can easily house 5-6 boats in my driveway and on the lawn. Just be sure you bring long enough extension cords to plug in your chargers at night.
My neighbor is a bank Tox. HEY, there's your excuse to come up. Gotta check on Evergreen National in Chazy NY. But pay no attention to the tunnel in my basement that is nearly complete and under their vault.
I would attend if it was a different weekend. The Indianapolis 500 is that weekend and I always have a house full of people.

Maybe next time I can make Bob drive my ars around!
Sure can.

Teri, you can bring one of those 'lil porta TV's and watch it from the boat. Or we can record it and watch it that night over suds. And you and Bob can DO or reference the SHOCKER all you like and I WON'T get offended. LOL
Quit catching bass out of season you poachers....lol

And PLEASE take my name off any rally.....I get confused when I log in thinking that yall are talking about me!


PS for those that cannot read between the lines at my feable attempt at humor this in no way constitutes any ill feeling toward any member here now, the past or in the future. HAHAAHAHHAHAHAHA

Skirt ? Mini ? Hey Tox, get a plane ticket to Montreal, I'll pick you up and fish with you all weekend if you come up....and I'll even treat you to some Montreal fancy, get you liquored and throw you on a plane back home....it's the least I could do. I got a great day's fishing out of you, and I was sick as a DOG....

Added bonus, I'll show you where the tires are!!!

I promised I would Pierre and I will. Just a matter of time. I just luuuuuuve Canada fishing. I would go to the rally if it were at Lake Of the Woods!! Once you have gotten into big pike (10lbs+) and muskie, you are hooked for life. Not to mention the monster smallies and a few greeenies thrown in.

I got your skirt for you LaMoist....you can wear it AFTER you are done crying about the water....lol

Never fear Pierre, no shaving these tree trunks (unless it will make my boat go faster...lol)
