Road Trip To Austin... Picking up the 911

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Tony Payne

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2002
Reaction score
Well, Mrs Sim and I have made it back to Ky, safe and sound.

Before we talk about the boat, some particulars:

Averaged 11.8 MPG towing the 901 and 911 from Ky To Texas and back.

We covered 2254 Miles in 3 Days, and we didn't spend anymore on gas on the way back then we did on the way down (95 gallons each way).

On the way down, We got rained on in Hope Arkansas, and the Sun came out when we got to Fate Texas.

The worst part of the trip (outside of Arkansas.. man what a boring drive) was driving between Dallas and Austin on I35... bumper to bumper most of the way... a whole lot of Texas idiots on the road, and one _very_ tired Kentuckian.

Coming back was pretty simple, After we left Austin and Pat, we drove to Lake Fork and stayed at the "resort"... Lake Fork Marina lost our reservations but managed to get us a room just down the road. Unfortunately, We got there after dark, and with our drive home, we did not get to fish any... Our time will come again.

Now, about that boat...

Pat calls me while we were still en-route to ask me about my "driving skills"...says he's already had the boat to 75 and thinks he can eak a few more MPH out of it.

I'm in shock.

I expected this boat to be more or less the same as the 901, even a bit heavier/slower.

Not the case... apparently with the 250 and a 25P Trophy on the back end, that puppy will scream, according to Pat... You can hear the evil laughter in the background as he talks about pushing it faster, I have to contain myself and tell him that I'm not worried about top end much faster than that, as I rarely ever push a boat that hard anyway.

Downtrodden, Pat says "ok", I'll tame it a "little bit".

That's the last I hear from Pat until the next morning... after we meet at Waypoint, he begins to explain to me how to drive the boat, how to push it, and just how quick it is going to be.

After we sign the paperwork, Barb and I take it down to the lake for the test run.

She starts, she putters, I tuck the engine under and give it the gas... next thing I know is thta the boat launched out of the water and onto plane and I was doing 50 before I knew it... hit a few wakes, took a little air and set it back down in the water.

Changed out of my bluejeans into some shorts... (don't ask, don't tell!!)

I turn the boat around for another run... this time I squeak it up to 65+ on the speedo. All the little ski/pleasure boaters don't quite know what to think.

And quite honestly, neither do I.

I take it on a third run... this time I'm startin to get the feel for her... You don't drive this boat defensivly... you get it on plane, you keep the hammer down, and unless the wakes are too bad you just slice right thru. (but you better make sure you have plenty of room in front of you before you put the hammer down, because you'll be farhter down the water than you think once you do)

Now, I know what to think... I can't wait to get this baby home!
Here's the Gang at Waypoint...
And Pat, I'll be back to tweak those next few MPH out of it, as soon as I get used to it...

Then you can take us out to catch some redfish.
So who is the one with the evil laughter?

Everyone there looks pretty tame to me! :)

That/s a LOT of driving, Simmy..... Glad you all made it home safely!

Now, you'll get a chance to see if the livewells work!



You only had the first picture up when I responded..... You musta put the rest up while I was typing!

You tell Mrs. Sim that I know how she feels..... I've got realy short arms, too. On both boats I've had, I had to use the floatation cushion behind my back to boost me far enough forward to reac the wheel! :)
Tony nice ride, now I have to remember to look for a different boat when Iam on the water. From the looks of your drive way shot, it looks like you have a Ball Home house. I have been on mine for about 3 years now and still can't get my 17 in it. Congrats on the new ride.

You must be just south of the 515 bridge. Not for from Lake Fork Marina.

That sucks being at lake fork and not being able to fish.

Another great boat in the Bluegrass. Congrats on a great ride.

Da Bear
It must have been hard to see around that boat from a Dakota while driving.
Around it? No problem.

Over it? Not happening!
Sim - SWEEEET Ride my man!!! SWEET RIDE!!!! Enjoy that bad boy, now tell your boss (the IBM one not Mrs. Sim) you need a week off to break her in!!!

Awesome ride Sim! I believe the XB was the last of the bad boys we'll probably see. (weight to power) I loved mine last year, I just wish it wasn't so hungry for high octane! (LOL!) It'll surprize you how well and fast it'll handle at or below 5000 RPM's, and save a good bit of fuel. (Plus it's a hoot when someone comes cooking along, only to be left in the spray when you open 'er up!) Have a ball with your new toy!!
Yep, one of the downfalls of the 911 is the two bubbles with the motor in the center. Can't see nuffin over it. I'm impressed that a Dakota pulled it that far without giving out on the side of the road. That's one monster heavy boat.

One thing to watch out for if you lauch solo... as you step in or out of the boat while doing the balancing act on the trailer tongue, my foot always landed on the manual brake lock-out (that aluminum piece on top of the tongue). Sure enough, I'd turn around and manage to lose the cap down the road somewhere. Turning it one way is the manual lock-out, the other way is to remove it. After losing the second one, I figured I didn't need one all that badly :).

Not to brag, but my dakota didn't even notice it... no change in gas mileage,temps or anything... stopping distance might be a little greater.

But then, I do have the v-8 and it is set up for towing (16" tires, heavy duty everything)...
