I was in the Chat room and IE crashed on me and when I log back in and go to Chat Room it says i'm already in Chat and won't let me back in - How do I get myself out and in again??
Wouldn't you know, got back into the Chat, just enough time before IE crashed again (I've already rebooted a few times) right after I joined the chat with Rich!
You know scott, it took me about 5 minutes of stareing at your KY comment to figure it out! I kept thinking - what does Kentuky have to do with this?? LOL
Yes I know your poking fun, it's not like i'm hyper and antzy is it!
Scott, it takes us married men longer to figure out things like that. You shouldn't post comments like that. It makes us remember how much fun our pre-marriage days were. SHAME ON YOU!!! Robert