Respect for the Armed Forces

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Andrew Zuber

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
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Dear Civilians,

We know that the current state of affairs in our great nation have many civilians up in arms and excited to join the military. For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a hand. Here are a few of the areas we would like your assistance with:

1. The next time you see an adult talking (or wearing a hat) during the playing of the National Anthem ... kick their a*s.

2. When you witness firsthand someone burning the American Flag in protest... kick their a*s.

3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how these Veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every second. Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these Veterans made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a Disabled Veteran kicks their a*s.

4. (GUYS) If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDU's), telling others that you used to be "Special Forces," and collecting GI Joe memorabilia, might have been okay if you were still seven. Now, it will only make you look stupid and get your a*s kicked.

5. Next time you come across an Air Force member, do not ask them, "Do you fly a jet?" Not everyone in the Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an a*s kicking (children are exempt).

6. If you witness someone calling the U.S. Coast Guard non military, inform them of their mistake...and kick their a*s.

7. Roseanne Barr's singing of the National Anthem is not a was a disgrace and disrespectful. Laugh, and sooner or later your a*s will be kicked.

8. Next time Old Glory (U.S. flag) prances by during a parade, get on your damn feet and pay homage to her by placing your hand over your heart. Quietly thank the military member or veteran lucky enough to be carrying her...of course, failure to do either of those could earn you a severe a*s kicking.

9. What Jane Fonda did during the Vietnam War makes her the enemy. The proper word to describe her is "traitor." Just mention her nomination for "Woman of the Year" and get your a*s kicked.

10. Don't try to discuss politics with a military member or a veteran. We are Americans and we all bleed the same regardless of our party affiliation. Our Chain of Command, is to include our commander in Chief. The President (for those who didn't know) is our CIC regardless of political party. We have no inside track on what happens inside those big important buildings where all those representatives" meet. All we know is that when those civilian representatives screw up the situation, they call upon the military to go straighten it out. The military member might direct you to Oliver North. (I can see him kicking your a*s already.)

11. "Your mama wears combat boots" never made sense to me ... stop saying it! If she did, she would most likely be a vet and probably kick your a*s!

12. Bin Laden and the Taliban are not communists, so stop saying "Let's go kill those Commie's!!!" And stop asking us where he is!!!! Crystal balls are not standard issue in the military. That reminds me ... if you see anyone calling those damn psychic phone numbers; let me know, so I can go kick their a*s.

13. Flyboy (Air Force), Jar Head (Marines), Grunt (Army), Squid (Navy) etc, are terms of endearment we use describing each other. Unless you are a service member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Could get your a*s kicked.

14. Last but not least, whether or not you become a member of the military, support our troops and their families. Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy with family and friends please remember that there are, literally, thousands of sailors and troops far from home wishing they could be with their families. Thank God for our military and
Sweet! Hey, my mom DOES wear combat boots! LOL She has volunteered to every Colonel in remotely close units to go overseas. My little 4'11" mom in her 40's is chompin at the bit to go over and kick a little a*s! LOL I would have joined a long time ago if it weren't for the ticker. So Andy, the next time I see those patsy little anti war demonstrators, I can go kick their a*ses because you said it's alright, right? LOL
You've got my permission...LOL

Not saying that you won't get YOUR a*s kicked over the whole deal! hahahaha

I doubt it. There's about 15 of them and one of me, (one ticked off northern redneck republican sufferin from da fever!) Nope your right, ain't quite fair, better make it 20 of them! LOL
Whether you like Rush Limbaugh or not, this is worth reading!

By Rush Limbaugh

I think the vast differences in compensation between the victims of

the September 11th casualty, and those who die serving the country in

uniform, are profound. No one is really talking about it either because you

just don't criticize anything having to do with September 11th.

Well, I just can't let the numbers pass by because it says something

really disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country.

If you lost a family member in the September 11th attack, you're going

to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimum guarantee of

$250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million.

If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in

action, the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of

which is taxable. Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the

surviving spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a

payment of $211 per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18,

those payments come to a screeching halt.

Keep in mind that some of the people that are getting an average of

$1.185 million up to $4.7 million are complaining that it's not enough.

We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the

Oklahoma City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal

that the September 11th families are getting. In addition to that, some of

the families of those bombed in the embassies are now asking for

compensation as well.

You see where this is going, don't you?

Folks, this is part and parcel of over fifty years of entitlement

politics in this country. It's just really sad.

Every time when a pay raise comes up for the military they usually

receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green machine is in combat in

the Middle East while their families have to survive on food stamps and live

in low rent housing.

However our own U.S. Congress just voted themselves a raise, and many

of you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one-time to receive

a pension that is more than $15,000 per month and most are now equal to be

millionaires plus. They also do not receive Social Security on retirement

because they didn't have to pay into the system. If some of the military

people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7 you may receive a pension

of $1,000 per month, and the very people who placed you in harms way receive

a pension of $15,000 per month.

I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join

ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons

and daughters who are now fighting.

"When do we finally do something about this ??"

That's some pretty heavy duty sentiment...not sure I agree with it all though.

I do believe the dollar amounts as compensation are excessive, not just in this case but in many different lawsuits across the country.

However, the big difference between those folks and our military is that our military consists of VOLUNTEER forces...they know what they are signing up for and what the risks are.

The folks who went to work that fateful morning had no idea of the risk or the terror they would soon face.

Rush makes alot of good points....good food for thought, thanx for posting it.
Thanx for the clarification Mac...I didn't wanna have to pull out the ninja moves and KICK YOUR A**!!!!!!!

As a former squid and now a high school teacher the amount of disrespect for our country that I see would make you sick. I call a lot of people on this when I see this behavior. I'm considered somewhat odd(for this and many other reason)but I push love of country hard on my students and the people I see everyday. Its funny how quickly people forget that the reason our country exsist is because of the military and people who fought for it.

fatrap, our country doesn't exist because of our military. Our military's skill and valor are two of many reasons our country exists. We also have enlightened founders and an enlightened system of government. We function well because we are a nation of laws balanced with individual liberty. We have motivated communities, motivated individuals, and an economic system that encourages productivity. Our economic strength allows for superior weapon systems, training, and facilities, which in turn improves the morale of our military.

The Soviet Union had a great military. Notice that nation no longer exists. They were missing a bunch of the other stuff, and having a great and proud army, navy, and air force wasn't enough to save it.

Andy Z's post has some funny points, but realize that most of them are about violating the very constitutional rights the military is sworn to defend.

Sometimes the cart gets in front of the horse.

Meant to add: For the average taxpayer, one out of every 15 days worked goes to support the armed forces. They're worth every penny, but let's not forget that the average American is the customer and deserves the best, regardless of their political viewpoints.

I don't agree with Limbaugh on everything, but the U.S. government should not have compensated the 9/11 families. It's unprecedented, is not logical, and represents a slippery slope for the future.

Rich I agree with you to some extent but if we didn't have a skilled military we'd still have a Queen (not Bill Clinton) or be talking German(Some of my family still does)or some other forigen language. I should have said the miltary and AND a enlighten govement.

Strange days indeed---to agree with Rich and Rush in the same day.

Andy thank you for your post. As a former "Flyboy" who never flew a jet I do appreciate your tounge in cheek comments.

I once worked with a guy who was always going around saying,"Back in the Nam we used to.......". I knew that for one thing the closest to Viet Nam he had ever been was the Golden Dragon resturant and that his mama was still cleaning his backside when that God awful war was over. But, he was an otherwise likeable guy and since the closest to "The Nam" I got was the island of Guam I let it slide. One night we were all out smokin'& jokin' when he pops off his cute little phrase in front of an actual 101st Airborn Viet Nam Vet who must have already read your list. I think my co-worker learned a lesson that night.

Don't post much, and never on these subjects. I retired from the US Marine Corps in 1976 after serving 22 years. 19 months of that was with the 3rd MAR DIV in Northern I Corp (Dong Ha, Kuang Tri, Camp Carrol, Rockpile, Kasahn, 881N and 881S, Geo Lin, A4, A3, and many others not important enough to mention). All the time I was there I never once thought about fighting for mine or anyone elses freedom, or even Mom's apple pie. Serving as an OV-10A pilot for a year and then 6 additional months in the 3rd MAR DIV as a 14 Actual and then the 6 Actual, All I was trying to do was stay alive and keep my men alive. I never once thought that the little bastards I was fighting (NVA regulars) threatened the USA or would ever envade the shores of California, but we killed all that we could anyway. The NVA were loyal well equiped troops, but let them die for their country, and not us for ours.

I also served those 22 years thinking that I helped maintain the right for you to ware a hat or talk during the Anthem. BTW, a Marine has the right to be covered and salute. (Marines are not authorized to salute uncovered). It also disturbs me greatly to see acts of disprect to our flag or to what it means, but I also respect your right to do so because of the many sacrifices of our Armed Forces.

Always remember that, we can not, or will not act alone.

It is the strength of every man woman and child behind and supporting that Soldier, Sailor, Marine and Coast Guardsman that is the real strength of our military.

Bring on all the Fondas you want, we've got the Dallas Cheerleaders.

Got to stop before I really get started.

Semper Fi,

