Requesting help - need photos

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Mad Kayaker

Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, about 6 months ago I talked about starting a fishing site in the New England area. My primary goal for this site is to help the weekend angler or novice angler learn more about fishing in the New England area. It won't be in competition with this site at all.

I am a little off my target but making progress. I have come up with a name for the site, completed a third pass at the brand/logo, completed several interviews and reviews and am completing comps of the layout. I am hoping to have the site done by the end of the year, tested completely up and running in three months.

One thing that I am in need of are intersting fishing photos (digital images) taken in and around the New England area - could be photos of you with big fish, scenery of local lakes, birds, etc...

If you have photos that are not from this area, but are just interesting nevertheless (maybe a blast-off at a tournament) let me know.

I am looking for photos that are good quality (at least 150dpi - 300dpi) that you would be willing to allow me to use on the site. I assure you, this site is going to be above board and photos won't be used in bad taste - if used, I will show you how they will be used first before putting into production. I only need a handful so one or two very interesting ones would really help.

If you are interested in providing any, you can send them to me at:

[email protected]

If you want to see how it looks so far, let me know and I can show you some previews of what I have done.

Thanks in advance, Bill, the Mad Kayaker

Bill, ill put together some photo's for you. I have some scenic shots from my boat as well as some fish from myself and friends i could share. Ill see if i can get it to you over the weekend.

A site like what you are doing is something i have wanted to do for a while i just dont have the time to devote to it. If you need any help though id be happy to help out when i can.

Hey if next weekend is nice you want to get together and see if we can hit some nice fish?
I don't have any pictures for you as I live in Tennessee. Please give us the name of your site so we can check it out.
Bruce, Jim B - thanks for the offer of photos - I appreciate it. I am including a draft of my logo/brand.

Steve - The name of the site is MonsterTale. This is a play on the size of the fish's tail and the stories fishermen tell at the end of the day. I will not put anything out on the web until the beginning of next year as I have a ways to go.


My Logo/Branding for the site. Almosty finished with it.

I wanted it to represent more than just a bass (so it isn't defined so clearly as a bass) but

recognizeable as a monster fish whatever kind you are fishing for! I also wanted it to look old school.

What do you think? I'll display a comp of the home page in another hour or so.

Bill, The Mad Kayaker
Here are a few comps of what the homepage will look like in terms of layout and look and feel. These are low res images so they load fast but you can get a sense for the site. The photos at the top (bobber and flyfisherman in the second comp variation) are called banner photos and this is what I am looking for photos for. I have three that I like so far and could keep these locked in but wanted to see if there are any better or more interesting ones you might have. There will be several home page banners that will rotate through each time you enter the site. I may have them be context sensitive, so if you become a member and log-in you will see a photo of a striper (if you are a saltwater fisherman) or a bass (if you are a freshwater fisherman) or a fly fisherman if you are a flyfisherman. I will have smaller banner photos for different components of the site (forums, news, location information, etc...). This also is where I need photos.

I still have a long way to go in terms of finalizing the look and feel, coding the site, preparing content, arranging sponsors and affiliaterelationships and creating some contests and giveaways. One aspect that has been fun is that I have had some great interviews with local fishing characters and national fishing icons that are off the beaten track - some you may have heard of like Woo Daves or Doug Hannon and others you may not have, like Jack Gartside and Joan Wulff. There is still a high probability I will never get it off the ground. If I do, I am hoping it will be educational and entertaining - a place you and your family would be interested in becoming members of during your travels on the internet.


The current layout I am thinking of.


A variation on the banner photo.

What do you think? Bill, the Mad Kayaker

Thanks CJL.

xmytruck - If you are interested in providing any, you can send them to me at:

[email protected]. Include a descritpion and date of the photos.

Thanks again, Bill, The Mad Kayaker
Oops I forgot a description, If you are going to use them I can send. They are basically from NWNJ, flooded timber with fog in the AM.
nice job Bill. i will search my archives to see what i have for pics. looks like you have made a lot of headway on the site. i am sure you will get it off the ground.

you should have come out for the last Tourny. it was a much better day than the day we pre- fished.

hope to see you at the next meeting.

Thanks Greg - I wanted to go and had by trailer hooked up but wanted to make sure you came up ahead of me in the standings ;). Only kidding, you would have beat me anyways. I think I dropped from one place behind 4th to 8th place.

I went to the meeting the next day and it was only Dave and myself. I will be at the November meeting.

If you have any scenic photos of Bow Lake, that would be awesome. I do seriously have alot to do though on building the site. I won't put it out there unless it is high quality from every facet.

JimB - next week would be good. Let me know. Bill, The Mad Kayaker

Paul - thanks. I would be very interested in some photos from you if you are okay with it being on the site if used. You can send them to me at [email protected]. Don't need alot of them - just pick out some very interestiug ones that are in focus and in high detail. Please include a brief description and date of the photos.

How is the Sudbury right now? I went there last year and thought it was a very cool river system but haven't had a chance to go back.

Once I get going on the rest of the site, I will be looking for moderators and content providers so I may take you up on writing some stories and providing updates.

Thanks again, Bill, The Mad Kayaker
