Replacement windshields - availability and cost

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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
The two plexiglass windshields on my Stratos have needed replacing for some time. One had a brillo pad taken to it (previous owner), and the other on the drivers side, has had spider cracks right where you would look.

Well, I broke the drivers side one this weekend (at the same time cutting the &^%#$&^%$ out of my finger), and need to replace it/them.

Found some replacements from a Stratos dealer that also keeps/handles replacement parts, but they are expensive as can be. $100.00 for one, or 2 for $180.00. This seems awful high to me, but they obviously 'plug and play' correctly.

Anyone have any other ideas or feedback? Found several places that will make a replacement if I send them one of mine as a template, but I'm thinking the overall process and shipping, will probably not save me that much.

Check out the other guys but I'll bet you're correct in your assumption. You might give E-Bay a look-see.

Check the phone book, there may be a windshield shop in your area. These guys do great work, you cannot tell the difference from the factory ones. Good luck.

$100.00 is right in the ballpark for factory replacements. Try Bubby's suggestion. Check a local shop that does plexiglass forming. It should be about 25-30% cheaper, and usually good quality.
