removing scum line from hull

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Bruce Yeaton

Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2001
Reaction score
Thought I would pass this on to all of you looking to remove that stubborn scum line.

I picked up some Soft Scrub w/ Orange (instead of w/Bleach) for cleaning my seats this year. Being such a nice day yesterday I dragged the boat out of the garage when I got home from work. The hull had some caked on dirt and grime from last year and I couldn't stand looking at it anymore, so I attacked the hull first. The Soft Scrub took everything off with very little effort! I even gave it a try in the spill over area and cleaned the gray gas line and some really bad dirt and crud, took everything right off. I am impressed with this cleaner. The seats are next and I hope to finish it up today.
I carry a spray bottle with a mixture of 1/3 white distilled vinegar and 2/3 water,spray the hull when you pull it out of the lake,wipe it dry, and no scum line or water spots forever more.