Redskins Player death

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Jim Corson

Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2003
Reaction score
I just feel like i need to vent, as i just read an article stating that the 4 suspects that killed Sean Taylor were charged with "UNPREMEDITATED MURDER". It also stated that the 4 suspects, never had any intention of killing anyone. Heres where i disagree, and this is a direct quote from NESN. (Miami-Dade County police Director Robert Parker said the suspects didn't expect Taylor to be home when they broke in early Monday, but the Redskins safety was recuperating from a knee injury and had returned from Washington. When Taylor surprised them, he was shot.

"They were certainly not looking to go there and kill anyone," Parker said. "They were expecting a residence that was not occupied. (IF THEY WERE EXPECTING THE RESIDENCE TO BE UNOCCUPIED, WHY WOULD THEY BRING A GUN?) So murder or shooting someone was not their initial motive.") Sorry but, IMO, if they had no intent on shooting anyone, why'd they have a gun? All 4 had prior arrest records as well. I disagree with unpremeditated murder, as they knew exactly what they were doing, and were armed for any confrontations they would encounter. Hope i'm not being to judgemental, but they deserve the maximum sentence. You do the crime, you do the time. Jim

Forget about the comments of the various attorneys, bureaucrats, politicos and the media.

Those guys are going away for a long, long time.
Sean Taylor was no saint, but it appears this incident was a genuine case of burglary turned much worse.
Another NFL crack deal gone bad?

A man lost his life and a girl lost her father, as Rich said he was no saint, but did nothing to deserve this. Some times it best when you have nothing to say to say anything.:wacko:

Jim's point (imho) was that if they were not ready and willing to kill, they would not have been armed? Mike's is a question? Was it an accident? Sorry if this ruffels some feathers. They shot and kiled him end of story. As far as I am care the more the users kill dealers and the more dealers kill the users. I am OK with that.

As a lifelong Redskin fan I follow the team and read whatever is written about them usually. I believe he may have known who did it but why does that matter now? It seemed to me that a U. of Miami thug had truly turned his life around. Rumors are rampant about all of this. The latest I heard was that all those arrested were friends of Sean Taylor's Step-Sister who used to live in the house. That seems to make more sense to me.

As for one of them carrying a gun, I agree with Jim. I think burglars purposely don't carry guns for this very reason. An accident can't happen if the gun had been left at home. Now, as Rich said, they are going to spend a whole lot of time in prison instead of just having burglary charges against them.

Uncle Billy

How is it different than killing someone in the process of robbing a bank?

A gun was used and max sentence should be applied.

Just my 2 cent.
in my opinion, we need the death penalty. Period.

Do you think those boys would have thought twice about taking that gun wuth them if there were? I think they would have....even if they didnt, MANY members of their community that take to that behavior (B&E, robbery, etc.) would certainly think twice if they were to be killed as a direct result of murder.

Just like HP said, "a man lost his life and a girl lost her father".

No matter what the circumstances, it's a shame.

Especially touching was seeing the 'Skins defense come out in a "10 man formation" at the start of their game.

I must commend each and every one of you, that replied to my post. They were ALL very well said, and i'm glad everyone saw it the same way as i did and yes, with a gun, its murder now. Without a gun, it would have only been B&E, Robbery, and possibly Assault. And i believe i read that the 3-4 suspects were acquaintances with either Sean Taylor or his step sister. Those boys are gonna have a long time behind bars to think about what they did. Thanx, Jim
If their intent was burglary, a felony, then any death as a result becomes first degree murder in Illinois and in many other states.

I have absolutely no problem with all four getting the death penalty... My objection is to the lengty delays and the miserable system that is at the present in place, the obviously guilty and the maybe not so obvious all drag on for years because we have such a miserable system. It would be much cheaper for us all if we paid up front to provide every one of these sustected killers with absolutely great defense attornies, then when they are convicted, expedited appeals of a year or two... Then finality of punishment. As it is we pay lip service to giving them overworked and underpaid defense attornies, no resources for a proper defense, then we give them 10-20 years to drag out appeals and many times a new trial which ends in a negotiated sentence... All done so far done the time line no one knows why or what...

I am sorry to rant, but it is one of my most serious issues.
And to top it off....Since the shooter is 17 yrs old, he is not eligible for the death penalty. It is super hard to get old sparky for the co-defendants when the shooter can't be executed....according to the legal talking heads.
