Please print a copy of these regulations and keep it for yourself. Remember this is a fun event, but we are conducting the tourney aspect similar to that of a federation tourney. The rules are there for everyone to know the boundaries of what is acceptable and to keep the odds equal throughout the field. Please excercise good sportsmanship and common sense during the rally and we will be fine. If I have missed anything, please e-mail me and I can update the rules.
2002 Tracker/Nitro Rally Rules
Tournament. on Saturday, June 8th to begin at 7:00 AM sharp. Please be at LEAST a half hour early to launch and register. Tourney runs until 3:00 PM. You must be back to the launch by 3:00 pm or your catch will be disqualified. Hours for Sunday
2002 Tracker/Nitro Rally Rules
Tournament. on Saturday, June 8th to begin at 7:00 AM sharp. Please be at LEAST a half hour early to launch and register. Tourney runs until 3:00 PM. You must be back to the launch by 3:00 pm or your catch will be disqualified. Hours for Sunday