Rally regualtions

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
Please print a copy of these regulations and keep it for yourself. Remember this is a fun event, but we are conducting the tourney aspect similar to that of a federation tourney. The rules are there for everyone to know the boundaries of what is acceptable and to keep the odds equal throughout the field. Please excercise good sportsmanship and common sense during the rally and we will be fine. If I have missed anything, please e-mail me and I can update the rules.



2002 Tracker/Nitro Rally Rules

Tournament. on Saturday, June 8th to begin at 7:00 AM sharp. Please be at LEAST a half hour early to launch and register. Tourney runs until 3:00 PM. You must be back to the launch by 3:00 pm or your catch will be disqualified. Hours for Sunday
Rob I have to disagree with you on one point as you stated this is a fun event . There should be no reason that everybody should need a N.Y and a vermont license. Some of the guys have small boats there is no way that they ae going to fish the Vermont side. Why make them go throuth the hassle of getting the Vermont license . Most of the rules should be common sense but it doesn't hurt to remind everyone to wear their vests and connect their kill switches. NOt being able to leave the boat come on this is not a BASS top 150 event THIS IS a fun event Jim and myself plan to stop at our cabin at henry's on Suday for Lunch also i have to land once in a while with the dog to let her water the lawn. I not saying to have complete confusion but ease off on some of these rules many of these guys may not fish tournaments on a regular basis. The main reason we are all getting together is to meet each other and have a good time and have some friendly competition . NOt fish a N.Y. federation tournament. To be honest if we were not coming up for the week anyhow I might have second thoughts about fishing in the rally if I was not use to tournament rules
I agree,...the VT license should be optional......if you fish VT waters, then by al means you better have a VT license,.......I plan on fishing NY waters most likely,.......i wasn't planning on getting a VT license.

The same rules apply here in MI.....if you want to fish Ontario water or the Canadian side of ST. Clair then you better have a Ont. license but they are NOT required in most tournaments....you fish where you're legal to fish!!...I don't have a problem with any of the other rules....I'll get the 3 day VT license if everyone else agrees that they should be required!! I'm fine with either option!!

So it written, DONE! anything else? That's why I put it to you guys. Would have missed that detail! No VT license required. But I recommend it for those that have the capacity to get over there. Good water on both sides. I was just plugging in most of our federation rules. They actually make us buy them for Champlain. And Ontario needs non-resident too. Makes fed. tourneys very expensive. I didn't want the rules to come off as a noose. Just there as guidelines for everyone. Good call guys. Tom, you can jump out for lunch. That rule was to keep guys from getting out and fishing docks on foot and back waters not accessible by boat. That's not a problem. Again, rules are more guidelines than anything. Getting out of the boat is fine. Did not mean for them to come across as that tight. Core rule is to have fun. That remains unchanged. If someone is off by 5 minutes on weigh in time, it's not an issue. Just don't want guys putting in an extra 1/2 hour of fishing beyond everyone else. If there are other areas of concern, let me know. Notice, I did not post anything about alcoholic beverages. That's up to everyones discretion. I recommend waiting until evening, at which point, I will be tipping a few myself! LOL Maybe we should push the Sunday launch time to 9 or 10 AM? LOL
The other question I have is for Saturday's team event. How do you guys want to do this? I assume many such as Ken and Mac, and Tom and Jim will fish as partners but the balance of us? Do you guys just want to figure it out as you meet people or draw that morning? Either is fine to me. I have an open spot in my boat. Of course after my sanity has been questioned maybe I will have to fish by myslef! LOL OK team event is only a 5 fish limit for those who nobody will fish with! I figured at least Scott but even he's not coming now! LOL Gee whiz you hear a couple voices in your head from a long case of the fever and folks just steer right clear of ya!
Actually Rob you brought up a good point concerning beer . It might be a good idea to make a rule limiting any beer or such to after the rally. I don't want to sound like a wet blanket because you know I have my fair share of Bud after I done fishing fo the day . I dont't think we would have any problems with the group we having getting together you don't need a a couple of guys riding around sucking down beers getting stopped by the water cops and when asked what their doing on the lake having their response be " we are up here fishing the Nitro Rally" . Maybe you should asdd that no Alcohol is allowed during tournament hours . By the way drink real beer not thiat stuff you have to add fruit to for flavor. Maybe I'll bring some Roselle Park Micro beer up in May to let you taste what real beer should tastes like
Good rule, that's a gimme! But hey, for the record I DON'T drink corona. I'm a Coor's man! And enough of any beer and they're all the same! LOL They make muscles bigger, me invincible and ugly things purty!
For the record Mac, in order to fish a Michigan Federation Tournament on Lake St. Clair, you have to have all three licenses....Michigan, Ontario and Walpole Island Nation.....

Most of the tournaments (opens) you do NOT need all three.

I agree with the above posts about alcohol. I like my pop after a hard day on the water (even more on the easy days ;) ), but it has no place in any tournament or with anyone driving a vessel regardless of size.

Stay with the rule K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) and you guys will have a riot.....I am sooo jealous!

by ugly things are you refering to that andrea the giant in draglook a like that we saw in the supermarket last september in Rouses point or you know who's girlfriend's sister who needs a shave ? sory they don't make enought beer in the world for either of them two. But then again you hillybillys up in Vermont need something to keep you warm during the winter
Yeah,..we don't need any beer during the event's hours,.....plenty of time for that AFTER...and yeah I knew that Mini,...that's why I said "most" tournaments,.......I knew the Federation req'd all 3 licenses becasue of the "draw",......but a LOT of opens out there don't require anything but MI license.
Here's a math question for you....how man cases does it take to make you..."purty".....

Saw a sign above a customer's desk...."Beer...helping ugly people have sex for over 100 years!" Still makes me laugh.
SIMCLMBHO!!! I had forgotten about her! Rather I forced a mental block of the encounter. You're right, NOT enough beer in the WORLD for that! What's worse is I had a run in with um her?, husband and sons in the woods this year. They threatened to shoot my german if he was in the woods while they were deer hunting! It was also bird season. Let's just say, this is one crazy yankee whose dog you don't want to threaten. After I made it VERY clear that I WOULD shoot back

they piped down and scurried away! Back to momma? Nasty! Sorry, I know they say God has never said "oops" but I really have to know what he was thinking on that day? Plus she has the personality of a rabid pit bull! A correction officer for a womans prison in VT....go figure! LOL
Should that third liscence be Quebec not Ontario for Champlain ?? If Champlain was in Ontario it would be closer to me....unless the tremor moved things a bit ?!?!

Pierre, I wouldn't worry much about a Quebec license. Very little of the water is in Quebec, and if you don't catch a huge bag before getting all the way up to Canadian water, then we need to have a talk! LOL