Rally info wanted...

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Bob G.

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2000
Reaction score
I'm thinking of attending the rally if I can get my act together! I would probably fly to Paducah, KY on Thursday 4/15, and fly out on Monday 4/19. Gotta get vacation approved at work first.

Does anyone need a roomie to share lodge costs?

Does anyone have room for me on their boat?

Bob G.
You git yer butt to Paducah, Guest!

We'll take care of the rest!

I wanna hear the blending of the NE and Kentucky accents!! LOL!!

Just let me know what time your flight arrives!
Bob G - Room available!! Mom/Dad-in-law decided they didn't want to drive up from OK, so i've got cabin 22, a 2 bedroom unit with an available room, you are welcome to join me. Just don't tell my wife we're sharing the costs!! i can pocket your share for lures!!! LOL

Drop me a line or post if you want the room, and i'll make sure I don't book anyone else yet.

Don't sweat the boat, there will be PLENTY of SWEET rides (oh and some 'glass ones too!)
I'd tell you we have room but your wife might not like that! :)
Terri - I'll give bob my WHOLE cabin and I'll join you Teri!!! LOL

Thanks, I'll let you know about room. I should know about the vacation this week. E-mail me your phone number and I'll call you this week.

Teri, my wife probably wouldn't mind, but she doesn't know everything!!! LOL!!! Actually, my wife is very cool about stuff in life!

Bob G.


I'll check my mail tonight after work and give you a call.

Anyone staying on Sunday night???

Bob G.
Bob -

If no one is staying Sunday night, one of us could give you a ride to Paducah that afternoon. I'm sure there are far less expensive places to stay in Paducah and closer to the airport.
