rabid Raccoon maybe?

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I don't think it takes long for rabies to take them down and the fact that it is scrounging in garbage cans and is large makes me think it is probably just conditioned to humans and doesn't consider them a threat. Call DNR just to be safe and see if they will come out and set a live trap for it. I've seen them go through doggy doors in the middle of the day to get dog food. Don't take any chances tough they can be mean sob's when they want to. I had one as a pet when I was a kid.

I wouldn't take any chances. Call the DNR and tell them what your neighbor said. They will remove it.

My neighbors growing up had a pet coon. Thing got into our house one night and started tearing up the kitchen BIG TIME. The old man heard the rucus and went down with the

30-06 in hand. We heard cussing and swearing,then a shot,more cussing and swearing, and another shot.

Never got the coon, but put two holes in mom's kitchen wall.(then HE heard cussing and swearing from mom :angry: )
Call Animal Control, tell them you are very concerned to the point that you're going to kill it and see if they won't come out and trap it. Do NOT take any chances and have everyone stay the heck away from it.

Uncle Billy
we have one at the golf course that does this also, but only in the spring, which leads me to belive that she is eating for more than one. i could be wrong but mine only does this for a couple of months than is gone till next spring.

mike c
I Plan to call the cops or animal control next time I see it . The Fish and game Department in Jersey is useless .
My rule is that if I see a nocturnal animal walking around in daylight (raccoon, possum, skunk) there is something wrong and I dispose of it w/ a 12 ga. If you live in town, have law enforcement or animal control deal with it. Definitely not worth the risk of passing rabies or distemper to your family, pets or other neighborhood strays.

Maybe he saw the new kids flick - Over the Hedge - and is just trying to get into the house to check out the THX surround sound on the plazma TV!!! LOL
My rule is that if I see a nocturnal animal walking around in daylight (raccoon, possum, skunk) there is something wrong

I agree TJ but I believe Rabies infested animals can't stand sun light and wouldn't be out in the daylight?? I can't seem to find an answer to that.

Uncle Billy
Maybe, Bill. Just never heard that before. Let me know if you find something.

Sounds to me like the coon has figured out the garbage cans have some good chow and is coming back each evening to check them out. Rabid animals generally appear very disoriented and are stumbling around whereas this coon seems to be on a mission to scrounge for grub. That being said I would still steer clear of it because you never know for sure.