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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
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got a friend of mine who is in from bagdad,no he is us military,he will be in for 2 weeks,i want to take him fishing,he is a fishing nut also,has a 94 nitro,but anyway,do you think he would need a license for the 2 weeks he is in?he is going back to bagdad again.

do you think he needs a license for Pa or NY??either want to go for smallies and eyes on ontario or around here in Pa?
Magna - Assuming I read you right that this person is either A) an Iraqi citizen or B) an American business person on assignment to Iraq- technicaly if they are over 16 (In Georgia and under 65) they need a license. NOW, reality sets in, down here the cost for a 7 day non-resident license is like $15 so i would just pay it. The question is what happens IF you get pulled over by the DNR for a check - Worst case: They cite your friend and put a $$ fine on him/her, Best case: They UNDERSTAND the need for a fisherman from other THERE to get it ON and salute him/her and get on their way. In my view, it's not worth the possible costs, and blow the few $$ on a 2 week license!
I guess I'm reading this as he IS a military member and will be on Leave... In most states if he has his Leave Authorization Form with him then he doesn't need a license if he's from that state... That being said a license supports your fishing lifestyle so the money spent goes right into conservation....You can't lose if ya buy him one....I know for I spent 20 years of my life in the Navy ;-)
he is a us soldiger stationed in iraq for the past 6 months,home on leave.i think he has a Pa license for this year,but not to sure on that,was thinking of taking him on a smallie adventure to lake ontario,and maybe some salmon if they are cooperating.
NYS residents on leave from the military (less than 30 days) do not have to buy a NYS fishing license. They must have in their posession an ID card and a copy of their leave form. Know this one from experience.

In PA, check with your County Treasurer. I believe they are ther ones that will handle licenses for military personnel.