Question on MAXUM MK 101 ????

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Mark Gross

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2002
Reaction score
This unit has the built in universal sonar unit . Question; Is the built in unit any good I mean should I use it in place of the one that came with the X-16c ?:D
The built in transducer on the Universal Sonar models works just fine, but in all honesty, I am seriously considering putting the puck style transducer on mine, as I find my dash unit has a better picture than my bow unit, and I think it may have something to do with the transducer. Again - it will work just fine - I have been running mine for two years now - but I think the sonar manufacturers (in my and your case - Lowrance) may have a better transducer. Anytime you make something "universal", I think you may lose something in the trade off. Just my opinion - I could be wrong.... and I'll find out for sure soon.

All the best,

Let me know how it turns out Glenn . I have not changed it over to the universal one yet.


I run mine up front and the display seems to be spot on when comparing the images on my bow and console mounted units. However, I've never run my current bow finder on anything but the US transducer. There are other differences that could impact on the comparison; my bow and console finders are two different manufacturers; the US is direct to water and the stern transdcuer is shoot thru the hull. As with most things electronic, the more "breaks" in the line between components the better the chance for signal downgrade, so having to install various adapters may impact on the picture. In the end though, the ability to compatibly exchange data, signals, etc has been around so long now [and you are talking about two well known and high quality manufacturers] that I believe you would not be disappointed. If you have a problem, I would submit that it was in the installation and not the components themselves. Also, I've never heard any of my counterparts with $40K baots complain about their US.
Mark,...I have the new universal sonar on my MK too and it works just fine with a X-510C on the bow,............i didn't notice any difference in pix clarity, but Triton Glenn may be right,...there could be. I'm not gonna bother switching to a regular Lowrance 'ducer,...won't have this boat long enuff to bother with it!!:huh:
Thanks guy's, I've been away pre-fishing for the state FLW tournament this fri&sat. I had to take a half day just to get use to the boat .This boat is a beast next to the Nitro 901 .

For whatever reason it only takes a little trim once its on plan . It handles the water very well I followed another boat crossing over its wake several times and it just seems to glide over the the chop.

I'm headed back up to the Horseshoe Chain tomorrow. I was able to find several spots that produced fish for me today and the weather looks like much of the same all week.

It sure does feel good to be back in the saddle again.

those units are nice. i've replaced 3-4 transducers in the last couple of years off the head of the trolling motor. A built in would be must nicer
My buddy has the built in transducer and it seems to have less clarity then if he used the external transducer