Question from a new member

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Luke Musto

May 9, 2006
Reaction score
Hello everyone..

I am new to the site and boating in general.. I purchased my first boat a month ago, a 2003 Nitro 882 w/ a 150 Hp Merc.. I am pleased with it.. Not too big, not too small.. It fits my needs just right... But since this is my first boat... I have lots of probably stupid questions that are obvious to people who have had boats, but not too me.

Hopefully someone can help me with this one.. As I was putting the boat on the trailer yesterday, I needed to get it a little closer to the crank, so I trimmed the motor up and gave the throttle a little gas to push it up on the bunks a little more.. As I did this I turned to look at the motorand watched it lower itself back into the water without me touching the trim.. So I thought I was hallucinating and tried it again .. the same thing happened.. A friend of mine who has a lot of experience with boats said that some motors have a safety that keeps them from being overtrimmmed in situations like that.. Didnt know if it was true for the boat I have or if there's something wrong..

Anyone have any insight as to why this could have happened...

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide,


Can't help with your specific question... But, congrats on the boat... it is one of my favorite rigs...

Your friend is right.

My 929 can be a little tricky on some ramps due to it's length too to get all the way on the trailer. You can try using the outboard to move it up or just back in a little deeper with the trailer to slightly float the boat and she'll winch right up.
The Opti's and (I believe) EFI's will not let you overtrim it. The motor will drop if it is overtrimmed.

Thanks guys, that gives me much more peace of mind.. ... At first I thought I was losing my mind, then I thought something was drastically wrong.. This motor is a carburated XR150 and it seemed as if the hydraulics stopped lowering once it hit the second stage. Once I saw that happen the second time I did winch it up the last foot. Next time I will leave the wells on the trailer so they're just at the surface.. I had been leaving them up about two inches..

This is all new to me..

Here's one other question... When trimming the motor while driving.. What should I look for in terms of water pressure on the gauge. I notice if overtrimmed the boat dances and the pressure drops.. What's safe while running the motor with a fairly open throttle...
Welcome to the site, I myself am too new here and to boating to answer the technical stuff but there are alot of folks here that are "experts";) hehe... Oh yeah, if you are planning on going fishing stop by to say good morning or you will have the dreaded morning curse upon you. hehe

Jeff from Ky
Luke, Welcome to the board and Nitro ownership.I have ths same boat with a 175 Optimax,so any question just fire away,the only stupid questios are the ones that dont get asked.Better safe than sorry.A few others have the same boat and we together should be able to answer all your questions.Where are you located????
Luke, i have the same boat/motor combo. From what im told 15psi of water at wide open and you are good to go.

I just put a new water pump kit in mine and i get almost 30 now at wide open.
Welcome aboard Luke... Hook up your bow strap, pull the boat out of the water and when you get on flat land hit the brakes. That'll get it the rest of the way for you.

Oh, and remember what KyNitroJeff told you. No good mornin' means no good luck fishing..

Uncle Billy
no problem with the trim,,what you were seeing is you had the motor past the trim tabs,,you were extended to what is called the trailor position,,,when you trim above the trim tabs .and you put the motor in gear,it will force its way back down to the trim tab,,,,look at your motor and you will see what I am talking about,,,,,
Wow Uncle Billy! All this time and all I need to do is start with a good mornin' to improve my fishing. I'll try anything.