Question for the dog guys on the site

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Thomas Macaluso

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2000
Reaction score
It's been a while since I posted anything but I have a question for the dog guys on the board . I have a 11 year old mixed breed, excellent health,some of you may remember her from the ralley we had years ago on Champlian . She has had a growth on her left front leg for a number of years it
A good Vet will always give his best advice... I would have it removed to avoid future issues...
If money isn't an issue and it doesn't seem to be an invasive surgery I would do it if it were my dog. My daughter has a Weimaraner that is now very sick with cancer. It started out as a small sore on her lower lip. My daughter thought it was just an irritation from chewing on the rawhide bone. Well, it didn't heal so after a few months the dog saw the vet. The cancer had already spread to the lymph system. She is now on chemotherapy. At first she was responding very well but after a few months I can tell she is going downhill.

Once again, I would do the preventive surgery.
Yep...good advice here. I would just because of what it could turn into....something very expensive later:huh:
Yep i would too. I lost my dog about a year ago to cancer and it was not a fun experience. If there was something i could have done to help prevent it i would have in a heartbeat. My dog's started as a lump on his chest that seemingly came overnight and ended up being cancerous.
I agree with all the above. I have heard too many stories lately of dogs with cancer as people come to pick out a new puppy. Have it removed now for peace of mind later.
If is in good shape otherwise I'd do this too. This is not all that old for a well cared for dog.
thanks guys ,Especially to those of you who also repsonded to the same quesiton I had posted on BBC . I plan to have this taken care in the fall

Someone here is posting over there? OMG!

My golden had a lump removed from his armpit 2 months ago, the vet told me, lumps are no big deal unless they are bear lymph nodes, you do what ya want, but me, I would have it removed if the vet says so, better safe than sorry
i had a 10 year old malamute (115 lbs), that had osteosarcoma (bone cancer) he had is rear

passenger side leg amputated, in six days he was doing stuff on his own, pretty amazing,

a human would require 6 months of psychiatry.

Ask your 'new' veterinarian to at least aspirate the growth and send the tissue away so he'd know what it was instead of guessing. If it's a larger dog on the Golden or Labrador size and he's 11 years old, that vet telling you the growth might become cancerous in a few years is, in my opinion, ridiculous. Dogs of that size well cared for or not, have an average life expectancy of 11-14 years. Now of course some live longer and a lot don't make it that long but saying "a few years"??????? The growth being on her leg would worry me more than if it was on her main body anywhere..

Mike, a lot of Goldens get what is called sebasious cysts <sp>.. The vet can also aspirate them and send the tissue away to see what it is but it's usually just a fatty cell cyst. I have a Golden who used to get them all over all the time it seemed and it used to freak me out! But my wife has worked for a group of Vets for 31 years and she manages to calm me down when I get worked up over those things.:rolleyes:

Tee, overseas when it was close to the time you could leave country it was called being short.. Another good old saying for that, sometimes along with a pin, was

K.M.A. And I just wanted you so much to know that second one.:rolleyes::lol::lol::eek::p:cool:

Harpo, I'm really sorry to hear about your dog and maybe something miraculous will happen. I'm keeping my fingers crossed..

Uncle Billy

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