Question for Computer Guru's re: Mouse.

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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
When I first start up, my mouse works fine.

As I run it, the mouse gets slower and slower to respond.

It won't even respond to clicks.

This is a new (to me) hard drive. A friend gave it to me because it was so much faster than my old computer.

New computer:

HP Presario 6730

10 GB hard drive

128 RAM

Windows '98

It's not the mouse itself. It works fine on my old Compaq Presario 4504 with a 2 GB hard drive and 24 RAM running on Windows '95.

Anybody ever run into anything like this???


Just your standard sorta little gray one with a tail..... :)

Actually, I've tried two: one that I've had forever manufactured by Logitech and one that came with the HP that has their name on it. Both are just the standard, two-button types.

Both work fine with my old computer.

I tried deleting the mouse from the computer and reinstalling it - but that didn't help.
GWeaver -

I'll give that a try when I go back to the other computer. I'm on the old one right now.

Any suggestions in either case?
Thanks, Gary!

I've tried all the internal systems checks - including McAfee - but have turned up nothing.
I have no idea what ps2 or usb is..... I plug the mouse into that little, round socket with pins in it!
Go to and run the free virus scan...

THen, e-mail me if that doesn't resolve the issue and I will send you some things to check.. okay?
Gary -

I just went over to the other computer. It would seem that using the keys to move the curser works fine even when the mouse isn't.

Greg -

Going back and forth between the two is a pain..... Anything you can suggest before I run the anti-virus?
Oh... and clean the mouse... use alcohol (rubbing) and a q-tip... clean the rollers in the underside of the mouse...

Hey if that puppy isn't connected to the internet you wont be able to run the free scan... (at least not without some netwroking skills...LOL
I also doubt it is a mouse problem especially since it works OK when you first start, who knows though right! It is likely that some program (Good or bad) is using up your ram (memory) causing the system to be slow to respond. Next time your system slows down hit "CTRL/Alt/Delete" and then look at the "performance" tab...that should show you your percentage of memory and CPU usage. If either one is over say 60% for an extended period of time that is likely your problem. To remove any bad things like viruses and spywear run Antivirus that is up to date and the spyware software like Spybot or Adaware, both are freely downloaded and pretty good.

If that does not fix it defragment your hard drive (Under Programs/accessories on your start menu) and lastly add more memory, 128MB used to be a lot but newer programs, even legit ones, are memory hogs so going up to 256MB would be a quick and realatively inexpensive performance upgrade.

Hey Me----- Did you get any of this ice we had here in KC this morning??-- It's cleared off but snow tonight.

I have seen this problem is the past -- It was caused by McAfee anti-virus program-- It was an older version -- I would uninstall McAfee -- system would run fine -- Install and the system would run like "dog meat"..

Just a thought--

Good Luck--- HaleDamage

Gary and Rick -

Those sound like the courses of action to take..... Thank you!

I'll let you know what happens latter this evening when I get a chance to play with it.....


P.S. Rick, we got about an inch of ice and snow late yesterday afternoon and last night. More is expected today. I haven't been out in it yet. We have been very lucky in the St. Louis area - this is our first accumulation of the season.

You're right, Rick!

It would seem my computer had an adverse reaction to Mr. McAfee's anti-virus. I un-installed it and now everything works perfectly! I was also getting disconnected from AOL quite often but couldn't find any reason for it; it seems to have helped on that as well.....

Thanks Everyone for your advice!
