Question about the aerotor in live well

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Steve Walker2

New Member
Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Howdy everyone. We just got a boat and the automatic aerator doesn't work, only the manual does. The automatic aerator alows the livewell to turn on for 1 minute and off for 3 minutes. If someone could tell me if this is just the fuse or the little red cylinder under the dash I would greatly appreciate it. Also I was wondering how others felt about the 3m renovating wax. We got some today and it helped it greatly. Is there anything else that you would consider better? Thank you.
What is it doing on auto? What kind of boat? If its a Nitro, did you turn the large round switch on side of boat to auto and off empty?
Steve it's probally the timer part of the switch. Look under your dash and you should see a thing that looks like a film canister somewhere close to your airrator switch. You should br able to unplug it and take it to your dealer and get another. I think mine was around $20 for my PT 17 but it should be close to the same part and mine had the same symptoms aaas yours. Hope this helps.

Just take a straw out with ya and stick it in the livewell and bbbbllloooowwwww like hell every 30 seconds or so!!! :lol:
it depends on the switch selection if any, it cant be on empty.
Might also want to check all the connections on the back of the switch to make sure none of the leads came off..... or it could be the switch itself...
