Put My Boat To Bed

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Scott Smith

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2002
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Oh what a sad day...I put the mighty TV-18 to sleep this afternoon. She's winterized, washed, waxed and the carpet steam cleaned. She looks better than when I first got her out last spring. She's off to the service center tomorrow for some minor warranty repair work then into storage to rest up till spring. It's gonaa be a loooong winter....
I hear ya smitty, mine's been in a few weeks now and I already miss her. Oh the things I could do for winter projects if I only had a garage big enough to keep her in!
I put mine to sleep last Sunday.. And it's been BRRRR here this weekend.. Needs about a days worth of cleaning and minor stuff before sale or use next spring.. Nice thing about haveing a 6 bay heated shop with lifts...

I'm still holding out.. I just can't put it to bed yet.

It's supposed to be in the low 60's tomorrow and I'm going somewhere. It's day to day for me.

Im holding out as long as possible myself. If the weatherman is right for this weekend i will be out fishing, most likely the last time for fhr the year.
This is payoff time for the long hot summer in Texas. Going fishing the next 2 weekends for sure. Probably at least one trip in December, then the pre-spawn in January. Powerplant lakes keep the water nice and warm in the winter. Water temp was 83 last week.

I'm with you, for the last month, I've pretty much spent either Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday at Sam Rayburn, Gibbons Creek, or Fayetteville County. Even tried out something a little different and went up to Tradinghouse Creek. (not gonna do that one again)

Last Friday my worst problem at Fayetteville was all that fog rising from the lake.

I don't plan to slow down at all. Gibbons looks good for Saturday, and Fayetteville looks good for Sunday this weekend.

I love this time of the year!


I'm planning to hit Fayette this Saturday or Sunday. Have you been doing any good there? My last trip there a few weeks back was pretty slow. Last fall a year ago I caught a lot of nice fish over there. I have not been to Rayburn in way too long, but plan to soon.


I haven't caught much at Fayette lately either, but there is just something about going there. Even though it's not the best time to fish, I usually head there right after church on Sunday afternoons, and before the time change, I stayed until about 7:30. It's just very relaxing. The forecast is not looking good for Fayette or Gribbons now for the weekend.I do usually get something in the area of Hog Point and Snake Island, near that old unfinished boat ramp. In fact the last time my baby (14) year old went with me we were in about 17 ft of water directly west of Hog Point, and he caught a nice one the first cast! It's in the ski area and I hate that, but as long as they're still biting.

Believe it or not, I have managed to catch two tilapia in the last month or so. They are slimmy and grouse, and have these itty bitty, yucky mouths! One was at Sam Rayburn, and the other at Tradinghouse.

Have you been to Bastrop yet this year? I haven't been there since last August when it was over 100 degrees outside. There are a couple of decent ledges to fish there.

Good Luck to you if you go. I'm a bit of a baby about going in the rain. I'm either taking next Thursday or Friday off to fish at which ever place has decent weather.


I've been fishing Fayette since about '94. Seems the fishing has gotten tougher the last few years. I also don't see near as much fall schooling activity as I used to. Maybe its all the fishing pressure.

I foul hooked good size tilapia on Fayette last year. They are ugly fish, but apparently good to eat?

Actually I have never made it to Bastrop. I live on the west side of Houston (Katy area) and its hard to drive by Fayette to get to Bastrop. I have wanted to try it though. I'll watch the weather, as I'm kinda a fair weather guy myself. Best of luck to you. If I go, I'll post a report.

Well Jeff, it looks like it's going to be a pretty windy weekend. I think I'll wait for Thursday or Friday.

I know what you mean about Fayette being hard to pass up, but you really ought to try Bastrop sometime. My boyfriend was building the control room for the power plant there a couple summer's ago, and that got us started. I'd drive up right after work and we fished until late in the evening. We caught something everytime we went which is a pretty good feeling. Good luck this weekend if you go. If I go, I'll be in a Hydra Sport. I don't try to drive the Nitro in high winds.

Rainy I've heard good things about Bastrop, so I'll definitely plan a trip. Thanks. Jeff.
Sorry, didn't mean to hit replay.

Jeff did you go fishing at all?

We went to Bass Pro Shop instead out there in Katy, I need to get a new depth finder for my boat. My little Hummingbird has about hummed it's last. I've been ready to throw it in the lake a few times.

I'm looking at one of the Eagle models. They also had a castaway rod I really want, the STM7... I'm glad Bass Pro is so far away from where I live!

Rainy, I passed on fishing today since I'm going camping/fishing next weekend (probably Fayette) with a friend coming in from out of town. As far as Bastrop, what parks are the best for camping? I think there are 2 parks? We may try Bastrop instead.

Be glad you don't live close to Bass Pro. I'm about 10 minutes away from it. Spent way too much money in there this year (and that does not count the new boat). LOL.
Smitty, I feel your pain, winterized last weekend and this morning my son and I are driving it over to store in my parent's garage. (Lucky for me they have an open space)

So she's all winterized, and exterior cleaned, next spring I just have to clean carpet and we're good to go. Gonna be a loooong winter here, ugh. egMike