Pulling a tube

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BJ Laster

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
Reaction score
My mom and sister want to get a tube to tow behind the 882. Not my type of thing, but if it would get my sister out to the lake for a little while I'm all for it.

My question is, besides a tube and rope, what do i need? Will it put too much of a strain on the boat/engine?

What is that thing called that u put into the rear seat that keeps the rope way up above the motor?
Mother in law................................lol:lol: Ok it was almost funny. BJ all you need is one of those rope things with a float on it?? Harness thats what its called.
I wouldn't think it would put strain on anything... As far as what you need. You could get a pole to put in the rear deck, but it would need supports. I would just get a ski harness (a rope that connects to the two hooks you tie down with on your transom and then has pulley type thing for the tube rope). With a ski harness you should be set. I would also remind you that a good tube pull is NOT about speed, and if you fall of going to fast you can really get hurt, but a good pull is about lots of turns and such...zinging back and forth will give you enough speed.

yeah i knew it wasnt about speed. We tube a lot just not out of our boat.


BJ, I pull Andy and his friends with my 50 hp. We are probably hitting +20mph @ WOT, just guessing. It's not death defying but they seem to have fun, especially when I throw in some turns. I have a tube and harness and the air pump so you don't have to suffer hyperventilitation blowing the tube up. You are welcome to borrow it. Give me a call, you have my number.

BJ, I highly recommend the Raptor from Bass Pro Shops. Handles two riders easily. Ours is going on it's third season and it's holding up great. It's much more comfortable to ride than the tubes you sit in, which beat you silly.

It's on sale this week.

I was at Bass Pro today buying my spark plugs. My mom and I looked through some of them.

Harpo, thanks, if we dont buy one and we go to the lake for a day I'll give you a call!!!!!

oh yeah.....

today when i was buying the plugs, they are 11.99 at BPS. Lonnie said since I bought the boat from TMBC and since i've always been a good customer he'd give me 25% off. That helped on the price A LOT!!!!

Also the fatter tubes will give you a better ride but, are harder to get back onto in the water.

You have to climb back in the boat and get on.....the thinner ones like the Raptor that Rich shows and I have one called Lightning and those suckers will fly:cool:

My brother is good at it and I've had him full throttle on my boat. I purposely threw him off at WOT and "whipped" him around the boat...which he had to be doing at least 50 because he was passing me:p:lol:

When you wipe out at that speed....trust me IT HURTS!:wacko:
BJ. Use the spare prop if you have one. I blew the hub on mine pulling a tube and didn't have a spare.

I have an 898 and I took it out tubing for the first time this weekend. It pulled great and my fiance and her friends had a great time.

The only thing I can recommend is to not skimp on the harness. I purchased a "Y" harness from BPS before we went. It basically just has about 15 ft of wire rope with a pulley on the end of it to extend the line past the motor. The pulley said it would float, but apparently there are different definitions to that term. I would spend a little extra money and get a couple extra flotation balls to keep the line out of the prop, as mine got tangled up once without them. I dont even have a jack plate on my motor so the prop sits pretty low in the water.

Other than that you should be ready to go. Just make sure to get them outside the wake as much as you can, apparently its more fun out there.

I put a collar on mine right at the "Y" where your talkin' about from an old ski rope a buddy of mine had. I just split it with an exacto knife and retied it with zip straps...works great:)
I've been pulling a tube for 5 years with the Y floating bridle with my 175 with 40 Merc. ANy problem has been getting some lardasses up on plane, but for kids and me/wife no problems mate!!
you need a skeeter 21 with a 300hp on the back. haw haw haw !!!!!! this would pull a tube pretty good id say.:D