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Sep 3, 2024
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Just came into a 1994 Nitro DC2000 with a 150 XRi,(0G016763) think I screwed up the prop this weekend (has a Laser II 48-16550-25) It's having a tough time getting up on plane,once it does it runs about 42 m.p.h. all loaded. Looking for a good prop to use, would even be willing just to try an aluminum prop just for verification
Welcome to the site! Please forgive the short tone about to happen, I am at work and running 100 mph with my hair on fire today. Can we clarify a little on your statement as to what exactly you are looking for? Are you wanting to borrow a prop? Are you looking at swapping out a prop? It would really help to know what elevation above sea level that you are at, although your signature states that you are in Connecticut, but I don't want to assume your boat usage elevation.

Are you looking for more top speed, or more holeshot? I am not a fan of aluminum props on anything bigger than a 115 hp motor, and I am a stainless all the way kind of boat owner. If you want more holeshot then I would look into a 4 blade versus a 3 blade, but you will lose some top end with a 4 blade. SS props do not flex as much as aluminum and offer better bite and performance in my opinion.

We are all happy to help here, and welcome!!
I'm about 2600 feet above sea level, I was a little foggy about this prop situation. I'm really just looking for a new Stainless prop to purchase that will get me up on plane fairly quick and have a decent top end. I realize you need to give up some speed for a good holeshot. It just seems that the 25 pitch on the prop is a bit much. I can only spin the motor about 5400 rpm. So I guess in a nutshell I'm looking for some reccomendations..
Consult the engine manufacturer for specific recommendations based upon the hull design and specific engine dynamics ONLY!