Pro Seat?

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Jan 19, 2003
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I have a 640LX and I love the boat but the front deck is a bit cramped. I was thinking maybe if I try a Pro Seat (butt seat) up front it might make things seem a bit more roomy. Just wondering how many of you guys use this style seat and how you like/dislike it? I don't always sit with the seat I have now, but there is not much room to do so.
I have always used a pro seat on the front when i use a seat at all. I dont like to sit while fishing at all and i find a normal seat is too in the way as well. I go no seat unless the water is rough then i put it in and normally lean on it not sit. I bet you would like it if you try one. Also if you do buy one get an adjustable pole.
I agree with Jim, the "pro" seat is the only way I would go. I find it is much more comfortable standing or leaning against a "pro" seat than it is sitting in a standard sit down style chair assuming your bass fishing. While walleye fishing I prefer the sit down style seat because they are far more comftortable to take a nap I also think it will give you more room for walking around your deck area. I currently own a 15 foot boat and without the "pro" seat I dont think there would be room for me up front.
You may want to look into the off-set style seat pole for your new seat. It should make the limited room you'll have between your trolling pedal and the seat a bit more roomy. Look at the type Bill Dance uses. That's the type I'm referring to.
People who can stand on the front deck and operate the trolling motor without leaning against something (like Rich Stern) absolutely amaze me!

Try the pro/butt seat. You'll be very glad you did. I wouldn't think of using anything else.

I agree with me! (for once!!). I'm amazed when someone can control the boat and fish without a seat. I use a pro style seat to lean against. Without it, I might as well just jump in the lake and get it over with!!

Bob G.
I have started using my butt seat up front less and less. I don't know why, but my back seems to feel better without it. As soon as I resort to sitting on the butt seat, my back is pretty much done for the day and I will be uncomfortable from that point forward (kinda like going to the bathroom that first time when drinking beer!!LOL). As a result unless the water is rough, I don't use it. I also have two places on the deck that I can insert the pole so that helps also.

DEFINATELY the gas-type pole. If you can't properly adjust the seat height, it can be very uncomfortable.

If you prefer to have all your weight on your feet, like TOX, they also make a seat that has the back edge contoured so that you can just lean against it for stability.

I always use oone when im useing the trolling motor and Dad is in the back of the boat (not very often however). The will save you back and foot problems by the end of a long day on the water. Get the hydrolic adjustable pole too.

I rarely use a butt seat on the front deck, unless the water has 2-3 footers on it. I like the ability to move around unobstructed. (If you have ever seen me miss a strike in a tournament you would know why!) Even when I was running 911's I would leave it in the third hole in the center of the consoles.

Definetley go woth the bicycle type seat on an adjustable "pro pole". As others have said, I also have gotten away from using any seet at all while fishing. I find the open deck area is really nice for retying, moving around, etc. As Toxic, my back also seems much better without the lean seat. but, my old boat had a bike seat up front on an adjustable pole and there was a mount underneath the seat that was adjustable. I would set it so the seat was at about a 45* angle. Made it real comfy to lean into.

Take that front seat alltogether and watch how much more space it opens up.