Prayers Needed

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Gilbert Scales2

Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
My Mother is having by-pass surgery tommorrow morning for the third time on her leg. Doctors, cannot seem to get the graph to work, one end is leaking, the other bulging. If they cannot get it repaired, she will lose her leg. The scar tissue in these areas, is rough, 3 surgeries, and there is a high risk of infection . The mortality rate is 80% if infection sets in . Thanks


Hey Bubby... You just let the folks here worry about you and your Mom... Our prayers and thoughts are with you...
Bubby, prayers are on the way. Not sure if this will help but if severe sepsis sets in ask the doctors for a drug called Xigris. It works when nothing else seems to. The company I used to work for makes the drug but sometimes hospitals don't stock it because it's very expensive. I wish your Mom the best.

My thoughts are with you and yours. Good luck!

Rich D
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Think Positive!

My families thoughts, good wishes and prayers are with your Mom and you. I'll say and extra special one before going back to bed my friend.

Sorry to hear that Bubb..Prayers and Thoughts...The NTOWS Crew is pullin' for you and your mom!
Thanks everyone, the surgery went well, now it is wait and see if infection sets in, and if the graph works.

Glad to hear the first part went well!

Rich D

Glad that things are getting better. Hope that they keep going that way!

Bubby, Sorry I just saw this prayer request. Prayes on the way for a speedy recovery. I'm glad that the surgery was a success.
