Potomac 6-7-08

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Michael Meier

Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Out at 5 culling at 5:45. Back at 1.

Fog didn't lift until just before noon. It was great!! No company for 4 hours. The tech. challenged folks were all doing donuts in Aquia Creek and following the GPS arrow in circles??? I could hear them getting on plane and then shut it down. Lot's of grass torn up in there today!! :lol::lol::lol:

Not burned? Just the angle and the sun just coming through the remaining fog. We had 105 stress temp Sat and it's suppose to be 110 today. I was inside drinking ice tea at 1:30 Sat.

Took the pic just as the sun broke out clean and then got out of there as the YaHooer's piled out into the river. They were all bunched up in Aquia doing circles with the lost bass fisherman. (That would have made good video!) A steady stream of 75+ boats came in the river when the fog busted and Fairview Timm's beer was getting pumped by the gallon shortly after that I'm sure. :)

Quick Cull clips.

I had quite a few diff. types prior to Carlos getting a set of these and I really liked them so I got a set too. The clip doesn't poke a hole in the fish and you can lift most fish (up to 8 lbs) with the rope/clip attached. That sure makes the culling faster. I have included the link, but do a search to see where you can get them for $20.00. The link has Woo Dave's plugging them but just ingnore the "sponsored by" I got free sh_t for saying that crap, as they are the best system I have found yet.

I'm sponsored BY MY WALLET (I haven't had time to get a boat wrap that says that) so I don't have a hidden agenda when it comes to this stuff. :lol::lol::lol:

Great sack of fish Mike, you are a brave man for being on that part of the river at that time!! CIII and I went up to the 3 sisters and the canoe/kayak crowd was thick!! Fog broke earlier up there. Coasties were flying non-stop all day at about 100ft over the deck. At first thought they were pulling people out of the point of rocks kayak blender but they must have just been on patrol. Some of the guys ran to blue plains and the striper were insane...40-50 an hour. Others went to the spoils and got good bags actually big fish was a 4+ pounder from there.

Great sack of fish Mike, you are a brave man for being on that part of the river at that time!!

Brave? NADA.

Ya gotta know the river to run around in the dark.:) Add the fog along with knowing how to use the GPS, and then getting out of the ramp before the lost dogs start launching puts you in the front row!! :p