Possible 6" of snow

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Teri C.

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2003
Reaction score
I am so bummed. I was going to the cabin this weekend to crappie fish. Totally depressed now!!!! If I see Mother Nature tomorrow, I am going to kick her a$$.
Yeh Harpo,this could get ugly.LOL

10" to 12" here in the Laurel Highlands.


Count to ten Teri and take a nice deep breath......Ahhhh how do you feel know?


Snow? What's that? And where in the world would it SNOW after March 1st? And WHY would anyone who has a BOAT ever LIVE there???

Trade ya today, I had to MOW THE LAWN!!! It was HUGE!
Wife said possible snow at home, I told her it was going to be in the 60's here and she was not overly happy over that one!!!!

My motto...no lawn mowing until sometime in May. I have waited until June on a good year!! Hoping this is one of them!

Bob G.
We have about four inches here in Iowa and still snowing as of 7:00 pm. Uuck

Trep -

You've gotten more in Atlanta this year than we have here in St. Louis!
Too funny Bob G!!!! But to me that would be a BAD year, not a good year!!!!! HAHAHAHAAH

Was planning on taking the boat out today, but it rained constantly. Oh well, better luck next time! Did get the thing cleaned out , though.

Ready for the rally, if it will start up after sitting all winter.

"6 inches of Snow".......I figured this post would go south in a HURRY!!!!LOL

not to mention INFLATE Mike's ego!!! LMAO!!!
10/14" do here in NH tonight.

the winter cover has been removed and i thought i would be on the water soon.

welcome to new england !!
They are talking about at least foot here in Mass too. I vote we blame Rob for this.

Rob stop that DANCIN!!!!!!!!
We moved offices over the weekend and I went from the ghetto to the penthouse ! My old building didn't have windows and now I have a great big window in my office. I am just sitting here watching all that snow fall. Sux!!!!
JR/Teri - come on, I grew up and lived in your area's till I got married (heck I got married in Indy) and then MOVED!!! It's not to late to find a place where you CAN realy fish year round, AND with a HUGE economy!! ATLANTA
Trep, that is one place I would move. I love it there. If only my job would move there.
Teri - Wait till the economy and next wave of Technology growth hits and then come on down!!!

Got room for ya!
No snow on the ground here in west Michigan and the ice is melting fast!!!!

I can wait to take the 911 out on the first spring trip.

9" and it's expected to continue spitting all day today. It's nice working from home on snow days. :)

Cass - MAN 9" of Snow, he's been taking those pills off the internet!!! LOL

Gonna be a breezy 65 here today. I just put a new fuel line on the Tracker and if Beka didn't take the Van to pre-school i'd be hitting the water at lunch for a test run :-(
Ohhhhhhh, Trep is on a role today, look out. LOL

I will admit I am jealous. I called the dealer yesterday to see how my boat is coming and looks like everything will be in and she will be ready for me come 4/3. Then all I need is enough unfrozen water to put her in and run her.

Cass - Man I feel for you folks up there! I don't know how you can spend that much cash on something that expensive you only get to youse 6-8 months a year, but better then Alaska!! Though the FISHING is amazing i hear up there!
Cass, the cat got your tongue or what?

It finally quit snowing here about 11:00 but not much on the ground. Maybe an inch.
cough, cough, yack....Fur ball....much better now...

Hey Teri, I am working from home today so I need to produce something to show for my time.

Trep, this is only temp for me, in 3 or 4 years I will be hanging out down South again during the winter months and summering in NH. The boat expense isn't anything compared to what we just put into remodeling our summer house this winter and we can only use it from Mid April to Mid October.


Cass - I understand thru proxy! Have a good friend who with her partner live in the Detriot area, and have a lake house up on St. Clair Shores!
I have a cousin that lives in Atlanta. Reason enough for me to stay here....