Poor Ole' Dottie

  • Thread starter William H. (Bill) Barham [URL]http://sports.espn.g
  • Start date
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Personally I'm glad she croaked without making it to the scales. Fitting that a World Record fish dies a natural death. And what is even more unbelievable is that she lived in a 70 acre lake that got a lot of fishing pressure. You can bet this old girl never came out of the deepest holes unless it was to spawn. It's hard to hide in 70 acres. Question is was it truly a record fish with it living in a 70 acre lake that is pumped full of stocked trout (candy bars to bass) every year? I don't think so. To me it's like hunting fed deer in a fenced pasture or shooting cage released birds. I want the next world record to be undenyable....no controversy. And of course, I want to catch it:lol::lol:

BEst of luck with that Tox....no world records up here, but plenty of PB's!
I am with you Toxic. The world record should be from a lake/river where the forage base is pretty much SELF SUSTAINING. If the fish (OF ANY SPECIES) are becoming world records as a result of the introduction of a food souce, intentional or not, they should not be counted toward the record.
Darn.... Marty, I swear to you that I didn't see your post about that huge Bass and did not, in any way, mean to step on your toes..:eek: I apologize!

As for that record Bass, I don't care if it comes out of a mud puddle. If it weighs more than the George Perry bass, it should be recorded as such and pronounced the new world record. What's interesting to me is how the tale of George Perry's Bass has changed through the years. When I first started Bass fishing, about 1971, there was absolutely no talk of his fish being weighed, measured or anything else! Supposedly it was weighed on an old, rusty Zebco scale that only went to 20 lbs. and George Perry went home, scaled the fish, cleaned out the 'innards' and they ate it! It was the next day that anyone in charge of anything came around to see what was what.

The Bass in California, as I understand it are Florida Strain Bass and they are stocked in a lot of places. Should we now do DNA analysis on caught bass to see if they are native or not? I believe there were three guys who chased this one bass for a long time.

It was caught once but these guys and weighed in over the record weight but when Game & Fish showed up some 2 1/2 hours later it had lost some weight and was released. It was caught again by these same individuals but when they got her to the boat they noticed she was foul hooked. Again, they released her though I'm not entirely sure what I would have done. They had been targeting that same bass for over 5 years. The next time anyone saw her she was dead. So, in my opinion it doesn't matter what size the body of water is.

The same three men tried to catch her for over 5 years. Everyone in that section of California tried to catch her and even a number of Japanese descended on Lake Dixon to try their luck and all with no success. So the size of the lake means what?

That's just my opinion. Wherever or whenever that world record bass is caught, when it's weighed on certified scales, correctly, it should be pronounced the new world record.

Like the one I had on two and a half years ago that dragged me all over the lake until I got him/her to the boat and saw it was a Carp.:eek::rolleyes:

Uncle Billy
So Unk....If I catch a 30lber grown from a fry in Bass Pro Shops Tank is that a world record?;) I don't think so. The 3 things a bass needs to get that big are 1. Genetics 2. Food 3. Environment. You have to agressivly manage a trophy fishery like Texas does with the Share a Lunker program where the big fish are turned in and put into captive egg harvesting (genetics). Dixon is not a managed trophy lake, the big bass are a byproduct of stocking trout for public fishing. As for the Florida strain, that fish was a florida strain. I don't have a problem with that since it is a naturally occuring species meaning we didn't geneticly engineer it. Don't get me wrong, I think that Dottie would have been a world record and if caught properly would have been certified as such but it is not "my" idea of a World Record. And.....I think there is a bigger fish swimming out there and my bet is that it will come from a small body of water.;)

Dottie planted her body and came to live in my livewell. She told me to tell you that she was tired of being stalked by men and their poles. :p
OK Tox... I had a well thought out, long reply to your posting, and I think your analogy about the BPS tank is way off base, but every time I pushed the "reply" button I got a message that I wasn't connected to the Internet? That was kind of surprising to me.:( Anyway, I pushed the button a final time and then pushed "refresh" and it all disappeared.:wacko:

We'll argue this out when we finally go fishing ok?:p

Uncle Billy
Tox, is a hater.... LOL, i know that we have had this discussion before, the bass are the beneficiaries of california dfg wanting to provide trout fishing for the general public. it is not the bass' fault that fishermen can not catch all the planters (more LOL). and oh by the way, they do not plant trout in Clear lake or the Cali delta. and some of the biggest stringers in elite history, have come from these locales. we can continue to agree to disagree about trout fed bass!!!

