Politics As Usual....

  • Thread starter Greg Meyer [URL]http://www.nraila.org/media/PDFs/2
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Greg Meyer

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
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Recent news stoiries carried a thread that Senator Obama was going to fight back... people were misrepresenting his wife's actions, associations and statements.

I received an email from a friend today that was a "depends on who's ox is getting gored" proof that the "truth" is never what it seems. Senastor Obama touted himself as a friend of Sportsmen (hunters) and firearms owners. So much so that the "line" was sounding true...

Well, I guess the "truth" is important to the Senator only when it is convenient. I don't like that in any politician... Democrat... Republican.. Libertarian... any "stripe". I want someone who is running for the Presidency to be truthful and honest about what they believe in and stand for...

Seems that the NRA did some homework and actually researched Senator Obama's voting record and other publicized actions or statements. I guess he is anything but what he represented himself to be... (See the link below). In my opinion he is anything but a friend of gun owners and sportsmen. He is in fact a rabid anti-gun politician. Why can't these guys trust us to make decisions based on truth not "spin".:angry:

Don't get me wrong, I do not want to have this degenerate into a "he said...she said" or a general poll on who should be the President. I am just pointing out how low all of these candidates seem ready to "stoop" to serve their own ends, not ours. This is just too blatant of an example of misrepresentation of a position to be ignored. When you find one (or if I find one for Mcain or another for Obama) let's post them... maybe shedding some light on the truth will help all of us make a decision to vote for Mickey Mouse or "Anybody but these guys"....
Greg, couple of comments in response.

In 2002, the Democratic party put out the word to national office candidates: Tone down the anti-gun rhetoric. It was literally part of a talking points memo about how alienated many gun owners felt by the campaigns run by Dems in 2000, and that it likely cost the presidential election and house seats, with key losses in Florida and Tennessee. Hence, since then, moreso than anytime I can remember, Dems have a habit of putting on some new clothes from LL Bean, take a photo with a shotgun in some marsh, preferably with press nearby. I seriously question whether or not the shotgun ever gets fired.

Second, John Lott stated in his blog that he met Obama in Chicago about ten years ago. Conversation was described by Lott as:

Obama: "Oh, you're the gun guy."

Lott: "Yes, I guess so."

Obama: "I don't believe people should be able to own guns."

Lott asks if they can get together and talk about it. Obama grimmaces and turns away.

Well, I guess the "truth" is important to the Senator only when it is convenient. I don't like that in any politician... Democrat... Republican.. Libertarian... any "stripe". I want someone who is running for the Presidency to be truthful and honest about what they believe in and stand for...

Pardon me if I find that funny, coming from someone who has seen as much of the world as you have. :)
Just remember that there's alot of double talk on Obama. Out one side of their mouths, republicans will claim that certain positive things Obama proposes will never happen under his presidency because he won't have congressional support. But, out of the other side of their mouths, they'll try to hype everyone up on stuff like this with scare tactics paraded as inevitable. Even if he was the most staunch gun opponent, do you REALLY think legislation like that would pass? Slim to no chance. And there's alot more to problems in America than gun rights, and should NEVER, I mean, NEVER a deciding factor for a presidential candidate. vJust as ridiculous as abortion deciding a persons vote.
And there's alot more to problems in America than gun rights, and should NEVER, I mean, NEVER a deciding factor for a presidential candidate.

The great thing about our country, is that's how YOU can base your choice, and I can ignore.

Problems are abundant....

And, I am not focused on the "anti-gun agenda"... I am however focused on the outright "dishonesty". And, please don't accept the "they all do it" so it isn't so bad in this guy. Dishonesty, dishonesty of the kind of "hyped" intelligence (whether true or not) is called upon by some Dems to justify a crusade to impeach Bush. As I said, depends on whose ox is being gored.

If he is anti-gun, just say so... Don't "spin" the truth. That is what I am objecting to in this example of "spin".

Gun rights are an important factor to me. But, I was maybe willing to accept Guilliani because of his stand on domestic security despite his anti-gun position. But, I am not willing to accept one more liar in the White House.
Even if he was the most staunch gun opponent, do you REALLY think legislation like that would pass? Slim to no chance.

So we vote for him cause he can be kept in check?? Not my style of logic, sorry.

Just Vote, thats all I ask. Win lose or draw, vote. If you don't vote, don't whine.


Greg,...When was the last HONEST person in the White House??...probably not since Lincoln! LOL

Oh,..and BTW,...even if O'bama came out and said,...."I think EVERY person in this country SHOULD own a gun!"...I still wouldn't vote for him....there's something inherently sleazy about that guy that I just can't stand!! :angry: I don't trust him as far as I could throw him,....and the thought of his wife as our "First Lady"?!...please!!

(Too much "attitude" there for my liking)...Gotta consider the WHOLE package and their baggage when ya pull that lever in November!!
There are 4 questions I ask myself before I pull the lever to vote.

1) Has the individual served in the military? Obama, NO!

2) Do they support gun rights? Obama, NO!

3) Are they against abortions? Obama, NO!

4) Are they against same sex marriage? Obama, NO!

So, I guess I won't be pulling the lever for Obama in November!!!

Family values are #1 in my decision!!!

It seems that in recent history we are not voting for an individual but rather against them. It is the old story of let us go with the lesser of two evils. What a shame that is. I am not knocking either candidate but is this really the best that this country has to offer??? If you want to find out the truth on either candidate do not watch network news but rather read publications that discuss their prior voting and legislative records.

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