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  • Thread starter Christopher Laurencio
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Do you have a video camera or camcorder? That's all you need. Get these incidents on film or digital recording. Then-done deal. Take it to court with or without a lawyer.

If your situation is actually as you have explained it here tonight, I would most definitely capture all you can on video. Be creative. Put a camera in your front window or wherever the nearest proximity to the spot where stuff usually goes down. Get a small cassette recorder for when you're outside. If you get any phone calls from them, let the answering machine pick them up and save the recordings. Make sure you document things chronologically and have copies of the complaints you've filed and whatever else.

As long as you have TRULY not been the one who has instigated these things, you haven't lost anything to those people. If it is racism motivated because your wife is white or whatever, stick it to 'em.
Chris, I am no expert, But again, HATE crimes are a federal offense, they will get there quicker than I could. But again I offer. I could be there Fri and Sat before I head to NY.


E-mail me if you want to talk?
Try and get some sleep, I have to get up at 4:30. I will check back at 6:00 when I get to work. Best wishes. I don't know what else to say. I won't play the race game, but I will if needed help defend you, your family and you property.

God Bless


The following still applies:

" Everybody here will have you in their thoughts and prayers... My e-mail is listed so if you need help in picking a lawyer... need to know what to ask... I can help..."
CJL, I'm praying for you and your family right now. I pray for your safety and that this situation calms down. I also pray for God to give you and your family a portion of his strength, patience and understanding. If you have time, read Joshua 1:9.

My wife works for TBI, our state's (TN) version of the FBI. She is no expert by far, especially as you live in another state. She said that if you are getting no relief from your state police, and that this appears to be a hate crime, call the FBI. Before you meet with them try to be calm. Have everything documented with dates and times. Present everything in as professional a way as you can.

Like others have said, before your wife goes to court, get her the best lawyer that you can afford. While at court, don't get into a shouting match with anyone. It will only make you look bad.

All of that said, your welcome to move into my neighborhood. I'll never understand why people want to hate others due to the color of their skin.
I really wish I could help Chris as I'm going thru a similar situation at work. Others have offered good advise in calling the FBI and an attorney. I don't feel at this point that either will work out for you. I am learning that the more you push, the more they will push back.

My advise is to move, for your families sake. Your family is more important than the house you live in.

Whatever your decision, I wish you the best.

I feel for you and your family, I went through some similiar about 5 years ago. We had some real scumbags living across the street and they continualy threatened and harassed several families on our street we worked with the local police for months, they even had a warrant for the arrest of the mother and kids, but could not arrest them unless they caught them on the street. To make a long story short, several of us sold our houses and moved, the police could not do anything, it was a terrible experience. We sold our house and moved 5 hours north to get away. My wife and kids went through hell. We even bought a german shepard for protection.

Good luck and my best advise is keep your family safe, and just get out of there.. Its hurts but better to be safe.
Chris, I'm really sorry you and your family are having to go through all this BS. It's just unbeleivable that this kind of crap still goes on in 21st century America.

I think the attorney idea is a good one. Look around for an attorney that specializes in civil rights type cases. He will know what to do about getting the FBI involved. I know selling your house seems like the only option right now but that could be a very expensive solution. Perhaps finding an independent arbitrator to sit down with you and the other family and get to the bottom of what is going on and why and hopefully come to a solution. I would save moving as the last resort.

Good luck my friend. If there's anything I can do from way out west, just let me know.

Chris - IF I was up there, i'd be in your front yard in a second, you know that! I have endured a small, nothing like this, situations over the years based on my religion in certain midwest and southern states.

Take the advice of the law enforcement folks above, do NOT do nothing. Be careful, protective and cover your butt with written, photo and video (if possible) evidence.

Let us know if we can help.

Chris, I will pray for you and your family. Call the FBI! That is what I would do.


You are in my families prayers. I wish there were something I could do. Its truly terrible that some people have to act this way. Comfort yourself with the fact that there are descent folks out here and not all are like your neighbors, Keep your chin up, they will get their's in the end, the man upstairs will see to it.


Lots of good advice on the board so far. The number one thing you need to do (of course) is look out for your family. Sadly, this may entail simply moving away. However, there are other remedies short of that, if you are up for it.

First and foremost, create a file and document, document, document. Start with the posts you've written here and write them out. Have each of your family members write down incidents with dates and times to the best they can remember. Then add to the file with photographs, videos and anything else you can catch on tape. Be discreet. It may be worthwhile to purchase a mini tape recorder so you can record any verbal abuse hurled at you. Something that doesn't appear to be mentioned yet here - are there other neighbors that can vouch for you? This can be anything from generally what a good, upstanding neighbor you are, all the way to direct witnesses of harrassment they may have seen. Have them write it down in a statement. This can be especially helpful to prevent the he-said/he-said nature of the harrassment. Also make sure to record each time you've called the state troopers and their response.

Second, involve federal authorities. The FBI is a great way to start. Call the local office or better yet, go there and speak with them about what's going on. Bring your file. Show them what's going on. If you have a neighbor witness, show them the neighbor's written statement. Hate crimes are federal, but you need proof other that simply complaining to them. The file is key here. Give names of the troopers and the badge numbers of those that have come out to investigate. Let the FBI know that nothing was done.

Third, consult with a lawyer. This is the one of those times that lawyers really do earn their fees. Show your attorney the file. Ask about getting a TRO (temporary restraining order) issued against the neighbor. Courts generally will do so with sufficient evidence (i.e., your file). The standard for TRO's is generally fairly low and if the neighbor really is not doing anything wrong, the TRO is no big deal (i.e., generally it will contain restrictions on contact with you or your family). It helps because it orders a stop to the harrassment immediately and the threshold of proof for getting one should be easy to meet. Once the TRO is in place, any contact or harrassment from your neighbor becomes a crime. Also ask the lawyer about filing a civil lawsuit for harrassment. This ups the ante and may infuriate the neighbor, so make sure to follow the earlier steps first and get the TRO!! This can be turned into a full restraining order at a later date.

Chris - no one should have to go through with this. The ultimate option is, of course, to simply move away. Yes, the neighbors have won on the short term, but you and your family win in the end. Feel free to come down my way. Northern Virginia neighborhoods are full of FRIENDLY people. I say this as an Asian-American living next door to a French couple on one side and an African-American/Caucasion mixed-race couple on the other, with a Hispanic family next to them, a Middle Eastern family across the street from us and an African American family down the street.

Feel free to e-mail me direct if you have any questions or need to talk further.


CJL, I feel for you and your family. As pointed out in several posts, you need to involve the FBI. This is America, and there are protocols in place to protect our citizens from this type of crime. These people are abusing thier authority, and are counting on you or your family to mess up. Make sure that you follow the law to the letter, and do not give them ANY opportunity to approach or harrass you. I also recommend you contact a civil rights attorney ASAP! Buy a digital camera and digital voice recorder to document any events. Once you have the pictures or audio recordings, email them to a trusted friend and tell your lawyer who you sent them to. If you do become involved in an altercation, say as little as possible and do not levy any threats or even raise your voice. I know you do not wish to get anybody else involved, but ask friends and family to stop by often. Preferably people they do not know. These criminals will be less likely to victimize you if there are others involved. If they think that you are alone, they will exploit it. Be prepared for things to get worse before they get better. They are not likely to back off easily, because it has gone so far already. When your wife goes to court, remain calm and let the evidence speak for itself. Even if things do not go in her direction, you can probably appeal. Personally, I would never concede and let them win. In fact I would pursue this until they have lost thier jobs, thier status in the community and went to jail if appropriate. If the community is largely on thier side, I would move and proceed with my complaint from a more tolerant neighborhood. Keep your head up, toe the line and play thier game.
Just now saw this.....thoughts and prayers are with ya.

You know how I feel.....let me know if ya need home is open if ya need a place.
Keep Strong CJ and yes...just play it cool. They'll mess up on their own sooner or later....

Lemme' know if I can help with anything at all dude...wegotcha'back bro;)
Hang In there CJ.. Remember your a Ranger Owner,,You have the whole Bunch Of Us Behind you.Nitro, ranger and all The rest........I'll Pray for Your Family Buddy....Use the Law you will win In the end.........JR
Nobody or nothing says "back off" like a lawyer with a nasty attitude. Ask around and find one. You want someone with experience in criminal complaints to defend your wife, and that same lawyer can probably read the riot act to the local police hierarchy and threaten lawsuit for harrassment/malfeasance.

If you truly feel like life and property are at risk, then call the FBI.

Wish there was something I could do for you to help out.

I'll keep your family in my thoughts.


Chris, what trooper barracks support your area? Email me the troopers names that you have reported this to. Hang in there.

Chris, you and your family have a place to stay in Dallas if you need one.
