Please be careful

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May 21, 2003
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One of my ex employees was killed in a boating accident on Friday on High Rock here in NC. He was camping and fishing with two friends and his 10 year old son. While his son and one friend remained in camp, John and the other friend went out on the lake. The information is that John stumbled and fell from the boat, without ever comming back up. I'm sure from knowing John for many years that drinking was most likely involved but you never met anyone with more love of the outdoors or his son.

I fish exclusively with my 10 & 7 year old sons and I cannot fathom what it would do to them if this happened to me. I have always worn a vest when running the lake but never while fishing. I think now I will invest in the SOS type and not be so cheap.

Please pray for the family of John Kalish and wear your PFD's


Sorry to hear about the close personal ties. I heard about this accident also (I work in Charlotte and live in Rock Hill).

Last year, I purchased a set of Sospenders and where them all of the time while on the boat, for that very reason. At the time, I was fishing as a co-angler/non-boater about 1/2 the time, which prompted me to buy them.

We had one of our members get knocked off his boat and into the water at launch time on Kerr this year. I didn't see it, but I understand that he was floundering badly, before our 'guy's' actually had him completely out of the water and in the boat. He was standing on the deck running the trolling motor waiting for his partner. Someone from another club launched, and bumped into him hard. In the drink he went.


Glad to hear your guy came out OK. I have not taken a fall after more than 30 years of owning boats...yet. Both of the boys have though. I have never let them on the boat without a vest and was glad to see the law passed requiring them. It's always a struggle when they have a friend along but they let them know that dad's mind can never be changed. We don't fish down your way much but from reading your post, we hope to get the pleasure of meeting you. We live in Oak Ridge ( outside of Greensboro ) and fish Fall's & Buggs most of the time.

Robert, I read about that incident in the N&O the other day. Just reinforces the importance of safety and how quickly a life can be taken. Sorry for the loss of your friend.
Sorry to hear that that happened and my prayers go out to his family, but the best thing that you can so for your sons is get the sos and wear them also let them know that you are doing it for them and set the example. I know they work I fell in while fishing with my brother ( who is handycaped and can't walk very well) I reached up in a tree to get a lure loose and lost my balance fell into the water hit my head on the side of the boat and if it was not for my auto sos I don't know if I would be here today. That is why everyone in my boat alwise has a pdf on at ALL TIMES. This is promise that I made to my wife and children many years ago.
In my travels to lakes and rivers I always read the number of water related deaths and almost 100% of people were not wearing a pfd. However, with that startiling statistic, most folks don't wear them or even know where they are in their boat.

I really get uneasy when I see parents letting small children run along boat docks without pfds.

Terrible news about your friend and his family's loss. Our prayers go out to all.

Da Bear
Recently, my son and my neice were here on a weekend vist from Houston. My neice and I got in the boat for launching, while my son did the trailer parking. I handed her a life vest and she objected. I basically told her that if she wanted to go boating, put it on, or get back on the dock. My son knows better than to argue. He put his on as soon as he got in the boat.

Saw on the news last night that they still have not recovered the body from High Rock.
