Pimer bulb?

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Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
i have a 96 896 nitro and the bulb needs to be replaced do i replace the whole fuel line or just the bulb and where can i purchase one of what you all recomend for cheap but a good product?
You can do either. Personally, I would replace the line as well. If the bulb is bad, you may have line problems also. Check out Wally World (WalMart). They have the entire assembly for relatively cheap. Make sure you install the bulb in the right direction. LOL
the reason why i think the primer bulb is bad is if i idle for more than about 5 min i got to go pump it back up to get her goinig. there is a new fuel pump on the motor and the bulb is original so its from 96. weather its bad or just how the motor is it may just be something to replace just for precaution.
I'm with Bill, when mine started going, it was easy and cheap to put a whole new bulb/line as one easy change.
I dont really know what you mean by going flat but I can always touch my fingers when pumping it weather the motor is running or off. The dealer was telling me I have to replace the fuel line and the tank cans the is an air leak but i think he is pulling my leg. cause if im not mistaken there is a ven on all inboard tanks to keep them from exploding. How ever I dont trust the dealler here cause he rips off the military being that its a military town. he wont get my business unless **** hits the fan. he want $526.84 to replace the tank and lines. Hes crazy!!!
Your instinct is correct but your thoughts on the vent are wrong. Vents are there to allow the fuel to expand and contract and also to allow air to get in and out when needed. If you ran your motor with no vent on the tank eventually you will build up a high enough vaccuum in it to overcome the fuel pump and you would never get gas to your motor. (kinda like now)

Replace your fuel line and bulb. As stated please install in the proper direction.
My thoughts are correect the tank and vent was the dealler tring to rip me off and i am not paying the stupid rule with them no more!

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