Pictures loading real slow

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Brian Bell2

Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2000
Reaction score
Is there something going on with the web site? I have a DSL connection, and the past couple days pictures on the site or in library's take forever to load, if they load at all..
This is a real problem on this site. There were some pictures posted here yesterday that were in excess of 500k bytes. I wish everybody posting pictures here would be aware of the delay those huge files cause when they download, not to mention that the picture it's self is so large that it cannot be viewed without scrolling and seeing only part of it. Plus it sucks hard drive space on Rich's server that could be put to better use. Members with dial-up and older computers have a paticular problem with them.

Please everyone be aware of the size of your pic's and downsize them to something managable.


I have a DSL connection, and have never had this problem in the past. Perhaps there is a problem with the site server. I am not having problem on other sites. Anyone else with HIGH SPEED connection having problems viewing pics?

thanks brian
Brian, the server is healthy and running at peak speed. It might be a routing issue somewhere in between your ISP and the data center where the member library server lives.