Pics from latest Trip

  • Thread starter Rich S [IMG]
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Rich S

Active Member
Mar 23, 2004
Reaction score
Here's a few pics from this weekend at Okeechobee, not the typical lunkers that we are famous for down here but Im always proud of 'em whether they are 12 ounces or 12 pounds plus its the dog days of summer and the bigun's get a little scarce.

This one was caught in the Rim Canal w/ a Zoom MagII worm
This one was around 5lbs caught on a Crazy Shad (topwater) over submerged Hydrilla on the North Shore
Nice fish!! No smile??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Bob G.
No smiles , because about an hour before I caught these fish I spun my hub and bent my prop so I spent the rest of the morning trolling around the rim canal :)
Sorry about the hub/prop. I was just joking because I get grief for not smiling in my pics!!

Bob G.
Sounds like a few of my trips. LOL Probably made ya' feel a liiiiiittle better...didn't it? :) A bad day on the lake is better than workin' still:)
I usually dont smile in pics for some reason anyway, the prop was a good excuse though, I did smile later when I found out it was gonna be only 60 buck to fix it. I ended up catching about 6 or 7 bass all in the size range so it wasnt too bad of a morning. the 5lb'r was caught saturday , the canal fish were sunday after I wrecked my prop.
I already replaced the hub and took the prop to get repaired I'll have it back by friday, just in time to try and do it all over again this weekend :)
Jusat a reminder if you bent a prop and spun a hub you probably also bent a prop shaft, which could mean big money down the road. Just make sure you check it, u probably already did though. Nice fish
Yeah I checked it already and yeah its slightly bent, it looks like Im gonna need a new shaft, any idea how much thats gonna run me??