PETA Bites Off More Beef Than They Can Chew

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Scott Hammer TOXIC

Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
Warrenton, VA
In this mornings Washington Post there is an article about PETA pulling their age old stunt of sending one of their minions in to get a job at a packing plant, poultry operation, or whatever, then they take pictures and movies on the kill floor, about how the animals are mistreated and abused. Well, this time they picked a slaughterhouse in Iowa that does Kosher beef. In order to be Kosher, a shochet (a rabbi trained as a butcher) performs shechita (kosher slaughter) by cutting the steer's throat and then another employee follows and removes the steers esophagus. The intent is that kosher beef be slaugherted in a very humane way. Evidently one of the steers managed to get up after it should have been incapacitated and the PETA agent filmed it bouncing off of some equipment.

The problem is this, the slaughterhouse they chose to pick on is the largest glatt (yiddish word for smooth or clean)kosher meat producer in the US and the only plant certified by Israel's Orthodox rabbinate to ship beef to Israel. Let's just say the jews don't want the PETA folks messing with their beef!!

Here is their responce (Agudath Isreal of America):

PETA's campaign "is a vicious and unethical attack" on Judiasm, which "introduced human society to the concept of humane treatment of animals." Noting that Nazi propaganda included photographs of alleged cruel kosher slaughter, it said, "PETA now follows in that vile course."

It caught my eye because when I owned the pest control company in Iowa, I had a lot of packing plants as clients, so I am well aware of Kosher requirements. I can tell you USDA inspectors have a tough job and they would shut down a plant in a second if they found any type of violation. I would get called at 3am when inspectors would shut down the entire Hormel plant in Ottumwa, Iowa because they found a rat turd on a pallet.

Let's see how PETA handles this!! Talk about a backfire!! I love it because they really deserve it!! Trepper can fill in anything that I forgot!!LOL!!

Tox - Man my grandfather would be proud of you!!! You even spelled the words right!!! LOL

Just read the article on-line. Yes, the Kosher slaughter requirements are the most humane in the world and have been practices for centuries. Funny how the PETA folks say ""Cows can be heard bellowing in agony and terror as the cut is made, as a metal hook is inserted into the wound, as their tracheas and esophagi are yanked from their bodies," said Bruce Friedrich, a PETA director. " I wonder what their view is (we know it) of cutting heads off of chickens and then watching the natural response of the body to keep moving for a period of time when there is NO brain attached? Same thing. If you are going to kill an animal there are very other ways to do it humanely.

Yes it will be fun to watch the Israel and US Kosher authorities on this one. Just send the Mosad in to Peta and be done with them!! LOL Just kidding, I remember "Thou Shalt Not Kill"! But that applies to HUMANs you Idiot PETA people!!!
Yep, this is all going on up in my neck of the woods. It has been kinda funny to listen to the local conservative radio hosts rip into PETA. But, the sad thing is that the small community where the plant is has been hit pretty hard this year and really doesn't need anymore trouble. The largest employer in town (chicken plant) burned down earlier this year and a lot of folks lost their jobs...sometimes it was both the mom and dad in the family. Hopefully this one will just blow over, in fact I think it really is starting to blow over.
I'll tell you one thing, you'll NEVER see PETA folks outside a meatpacking plant protesting or carrying signs. I worked with those folks for a number of years and lived in an area that had a few plants. They would hand them their heads in a bag......literally!!!

PETA..."Slowly I turned, step-by-step, inch-by-inch. It was Niagra falls!"

This is pretty funny.

Better to pick on corporations like Tyson and Purdue. They only have lawyers and money.

Arguing with orthodox religious scholars who claim God as inspiration and witness to their methods of several thousands years...that's a fight you can't win.