Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Tomatoes, and a BOLT!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2005
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I stopped by a new pizza place today to have some brick-oven cooked pie. We ordered a large with Pepperoni, grilled chicken, mushrooms, sliced tomatoes and jalepenos. It took a little while for it to show up, but when it arrived, I couldn't wait to dig in.

Mmmmm... delicious! Some of the best pizza I've had since leaving Sigonella Sicily.

But on the second slice, about halfway through the pizza on a part that had a big tomato slice on it - crunch! Jez!!! What the f***???? It felt like my whole damn tooth came out. I just knew I was going to spit out a piece of pizza with an entire molar in it.

Nope. It was a BOLT! A friggin phillips head bolt - about a 1/2 inch long, and almost as wide as it was long.

I immediately called over the manager and showed it to him. I had plenty of people sitting close by that saw it. He immediately apologized and whisked it away to the back. Probably to dispose of the evidence and attempt to avoid a lawsuit, had I been one of those "sue happy" people - which I am not.

He stopped by a few more times and apogized, and gave us our meal on the house. I tipped the server and we headed out, left over pizza in a box.

I feel fine, and I don't think there is any tooth damage (at least none that I can see) and the funny part about it, after it was all over - I'm really not upset about it due to how good the rest of the pizza tasted. :lol: My wife and I had some goofy laughs about "needing extra iron in my diet" and other such goofy jokes.

I'll actually return for more pizza, although I will warn them that I don't want any metal toppings next time. :lol:

All the best,

Good night!! Lucky you did not mess up your toth Glenn!!

Also, Sue told me that the books came in, tanks Bro!
Probably came from me. I've been walking around with loose screws for quite a while.

That's not quite as bad as what my buddy bit down on in a burrito several years ago.....:eek:

A rather LARGE fingernail clipping!!:angry::angry::blink:

Needless to say, we never finished our lunch's and we never went back THERE again!!:angry:

I had a used band-aid in a sandwich from Burger king one night around 1980-81. Luckily I was driving so I had it cut and saw it when opened it. NOT HAPPY at all!!

I don't think I've seen anything "disgusting" in a fast food item I've ate, although I'm 100% sure that there has been plenty of disgusting things in fast food I've eaten in the past.

One other time, I bit into a mushroom swiss burger at a Red Robin burger joint, only to not get through the whole thing - the wax paper they put between cheese slices... yep - they put it on my burger with the cheese slice instead of throwing it away. :lol:

All the best,

I spent a little time in Sigonella myself.I was there with a canoe club called the US Navy.When were you there? I think it was about 78-79 for me.I was with the Seabee's then.
Sig wasn't my home station, but it might as well have been for one of my cruises. I was assigned to the USS Stump (DD-978) quite a few years ago. We pulled into Agusta Bay so many times, we jokingly said it was going to be our new home port. It was insane how many times we pulled in there, again, and again, and again. Since there is nothing in Agusta Bay, the ship arranged for buses to bring us to Sigonella for liberty. Not the best liberty I've been on, but the pizza was worth the bus ride alone. Fun times.

All the best,
