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Staci Matheis

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2000
Reaction score
In the last 2 weeks, I must have received 50 junk e-mails about this lady.....

How do these people get my e-mail address???????

This and are the only sites I visit with any regularity. (I kinda doubt that Rich is responsible!) With all the trouble I have downloading pictures the members here post on my old, slow system, I'm not going to go to a site that is nothing but pictures. I've never been into that kinda stuff anyway.

Where does all this junk mail start?????????

Who's email do you think I use when I sign up for those sites? Surely not my own! LOL!
Dude, many times as you've posted your own personal info on this site, wouldn't take long for some cyber sleuth to dog your hiney!!! I think we should no longer post ANYONES info on this site for any reason......or else "poster beware" wouldn't believe all the crap I get on a daily basis because my email address is published on cartoons etc..etc....even business forms and various survey's I get are now asking for email addresses. All it takes is one weasel to get your email and post it on a forum and it's PUBLIC INFO!!! Just delete the stuff without opening it and it'll minimize your chances of getting a virus anyway...I just had to have my PC at home "decontaminated" due to "other members of my family who shall remain nameless,...all 3 of them!!" downloading all the stupid stuff their friends send them!!! I hate getting those and I delete 99.99% of the stuff without even opening it.......I have a tendancy to believe that my soul will be judged based on my contributions to mankind and my treatment of others,....not by wheter or not i forwarded something to 10 friends and back to the sender!!! I HATE THAT!!! LOL.......sorry to vent,...but you're NOT alone in your dilemna!!

I don't get anything that could be tied to this site - whether it be because I publish my address or not. All this junk just seems to come from nowhere.....

I'm like you, Mac, if I see "Fw:" as the first portion of the subject line, even if it's from a close friend, I'm not likely to open it at all. I seldom open an attachment unless I know what it is in advance.
I do the same as you Mac. I delete tons of e-mail without reading them. And I never forward all of the dumb stuff that people send. Mcafee deleted a virus the other day on one of my computers, then automatically scanned all of the computer files. This has happened about 4x since I started getting Mcafee VirusScan Online a few years ago and it works!

Bob G.
Hey Me!

What is a Paris Hilton Fishing Video anyway? Don't send it to me, just explain what it is.

me! About 2-3 months ago there was a Worm that went thru e-mail addresses from a number of folks on this site. I never opened it, but for quite a while I got emails with addresses from folks on this site. I figure someone accidentaly opened/loaded the worm file and it went thru their e-mail address and off it goes spaming everyone.
I get tons of junk too. i dont think it really has anything to do with going to a website. If you have an email address they will get you. At home i have 5 email boxes that came with my dsl account, 4 were unused. About a month ago i activated one and when i did it was already full of mail. It had over 3000 junk messages on it having never been used. I checked the others and they were the same. These boxes had arbritrary numbers as email addresses and they still got to them. Spam is a constant fight( it gives the poor email giuys at work ulcers) and its not going to get any better anytime soon. Get a spam filter like inboxer if you use outlook and a good antivirus to protect yourself as best you can.

Spammers send a billion emails a day. They obtain the list of email addresses from all sorts of places. They trade list like baseball cards. If you have an email address they will find you period. It helps to constantly delete your cookie file and temp internet files. BUT you may have to change your email address. It only takes a change of one character and all spam stops....for awhile....then gradually starts again. My daughter downloaded KAZAA to get free music. My spam increased about %600 overnight. Unfortuntely spam is a cyberevil thats hard to beat. You can get a blocker pay the money and then have to keep paying to keep it updated. Can't win.


Move to Virginia...spam is becoming illegal and they are starting to prosecute. I never use my "real" email unless it is someone I know or trust. I have a spyware blocker and a pop up blocker but no spam blocker on my home computer and I get ZERO spam. When I sign up for something I just use the email I set up for that purpose on my provider. We are on the "do not call" list, the "do not spam" list and I am waiting for the "leave me the hell alone" list. LOL

I receive no spam on my home or work emails. Wife and I are careful how we give information to web sites.

The rest of my family with AOL accounts get inundated with spam.

I'm with Toxic - just leave me the hell alone is the way to go. If I want to do business with you, I will find you to do it.

I set up an email on that I use for most sites that ask for email, like amazon, ebay, etc... I check it about once a month or so and "delete all", just so I don't run out of space. My home email, I use for select sites, such as this one and regular email purposes. Plus Earthlink has a pretty good spam blocker, so I am not too bad off.

Rich D
GM has a great deal arranged with AOL for GM employees....

$2.00/month,..unlimited use,..payroll deducted...otherwise i'd change ISP's too,..just because of all the bullsheist!!
I'm still thinking the Paris Fishing Video is a good idea !Cat fishin though were they get out ofthe boat and into the mud and reach down into the hole ,grab it and through it in the tin boat! But thats just me. ooops here comes the wife gotta go......
Zone Labs Zone Alarm can eliminate the majority of these problems. There's a free edition on their site @ This includes a very good firewall. Also Lavasoft's AD-AWARE can eliminate spybots and tracking cookies from leaving a trace. Steve Gibson of Gibson Research Corp. has some great freeware on his site ( that can eliminate entry points and control imbedded software that came with your MS system without your knowledge. He has a true stealth check that can show you exactly how you look on the web, open ports, IP add.,... everything. I use Norton on a couple machines and McAfee on a couple with adequate performance. Everyone needs a firewall and some type of e-mail filter or they will pay the consequences. I receive zero spam.
David -

Paris Hilton is one of two sisters who are heir to the Hilton Hotel fortunes. They are both drop dead gorgeous, models and quite the life of any party - especially the wild ones..... I am constantly getting "PARIS HILTON VIDEO" e-mails which I assume is something XXX+.....

Every time I order from BPS for several weeks I get all kind of junk mail. I assume they sell your E-Mail address to other companies. After a few weeks it stops but by then I am placing another order and it starts all over. I usually just delete them without opening them.
Have you seen the Simple Life,TV show where she and some other Beverly Hills hottie go live on a farm in Altus Ark. Pretty funny. In fact it's on tonight at 7:00 CT on Fox.

No..... I haven't..... Is it one of your favorites, Harpo?

Now I know who's been sending the video junk mail!
Wouldn't say it's my favorite but it is a hoot. It's on right now. 7:30 not 7:00. The girls are learning to bake an apple pie. She's got more millions than all of have rattletraps.

Me! Thanks, I knew who Paris was, I wanted to know if she really had a fishing video.

She does have a video.... but she's "jerkbaiting" with a different kind of "rod", ...(or so I've heard)....
No, David..... Paris Hilton does not have a fishing video. :)

Harpo..... I don't know why..... But,since you mentioned it, I watched that show this evening..... I don't think the people in that town appreciate Paris and her friend..... Well...... Maybe the guys at the kissing booth who got to kiss their butts did..... I don't think I'll be watching the next episode.....