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Barry Loos

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2001
Reaction score
Knowing how solid Rich is I'm sure he will impose the full 90 days suspension on himself and the others. I think the suspension is over around the end of December. Of course, I have no problem if Rich wants to come back sooner. Hell, it's his web site.

For the record, since Rich imposed the suspension, the NTOWS has been fun again. We went back to our roots: bass, boats, and just a little BS. There has been no "flaming" posts or contentious statements directed at anyone or any belief. We stuck to humor and compassion while events such as the National elections, War, NBA shakeups, etc. could have easily turned conversations to verbal battles. The value of this site has proven itself over and over.

Rich come on back anytime and bring the others if you like. I feel we all learned a good lesson and will continue to play good (or is it well?).

Da Bear


Well said. I agree the site has been great the past 2 months.
That sends the message that the banned members were to blame for the disfunctional nature of the site before the ban. I do not think that is the case and want to make sure that no one stays away after the ban. I just think we needed a shakeup to get back to what we always did well...discuss things. Maybe Rich outta make a section where you can go to "duke it out" with someone in a heated discussion. Then there would be no need to do it on this page.

I don't believe the suspensions to the four members is what got this site back on track. However, I do believe it was the impetus to insure EVERYONE on this site thought before they posted. There were many others, myself included, who were getting out of line and breathed a collective sigh of relief when they were not included in the suspension list. I am more than ready to welcome back the members who have been gone.

Looking forward to continued good 'cheer' here on the board, and the return of all our productive members. We miss those we haven't heard from recently.

ME TOOOOO........ It Is a great site and we all know that.....I have been here since 99 I think..HA HA HA A (old ) mind Is a terible thing to waste....Jr
I agree, the site has been MUCH better during the last couple of months.
Nope, I had It dropped and rejoined..I really can't remember the first time ...But It has always been one of the best C111.....
The site has been outstanding since the suspensions. Hopefully the momentum will continue after the suspensions have been lifted. This forum is certainly not a productive channel for flaming. Other channels such as email would be more appropriate for that so we don't get dragged down again.

Anyway ... the boat's away, rods are in the basement, and DT's are already setting in.
I wholehartedly agree with all the above. Have been wanting to make the same observation for some time.....just didn't want to start the ball rolling. It's back like it should have been all the time.....the forum for all......not just a few.

Come on back Rich.
Toxic - What cabin fever? We are part of the few who can fish all year long. Makes it tough to clean up everything and spool new line on all the reels. (LOL). Did take some time and visit the new Gander Mountain store in Fredericksburg. Not quite a BPS but a very good store.


I have a giftcard for GM that is burning a hole in my wallett :)

Hey, want to do a hot side run when you are free???? I can bring a bit more chow for us to have over there!!!!!

Want to actually spend a day with ya and not loose you!!!! We felt bad about not being able to find ya. This way we have you cornered :-=)

Yea...we'll tie his boat to one of ours so he can't "slip off" without one us knowing!!LOL...besides I still have his bean pan!!

Ahh I know we can hold the bean pan hostage until he comes clean HAHAHAHAH I will be sure to keep him in sight next time :)
LOL! Let me know when you guys are free. I can't do anything next weekend but am free going forward. We can even do a weekday gig if you guys want or are available. Let's look for a nice day with little or no wind.

