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I need to get your opinion on something I'm looking at.

I don't know the name of the restaurant, but a good landmark is the green dirt bike in front of the motorcycle store on 57, Montana road is right there. I have not been to MC since I went with you. Had a tourney in Stone Tavern on Saturday. If I am not driving some crazy place to buy a boat, then yes I would like to go with you.

Tom, Call MC before going , they close it it pretty quickly when the terror alert is elevated!

Here's the link to my club.

The Ranger in Hopatcong fell thru, go was very strange.

But have a couple more things going that I would like to talk to you about.

If you join in August you can fish the Spruce Run, night tourney :D

I'll try and giv e you a call tonight around 8:30 if I can remember :D. By the way Artie went back to MC on the 4th and got a 5.8 . I fished Greenwood on Sunday It sucked :angry:
I can't let this go. It's out there beggin' for a comment. I have never heard of a "green dirt bike" being used as a "good landmark". What if it gets bought?

Only kiddin' folks.
