Packin' in the boat

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2000
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Underwood Iowa
I don't know if this has been asked before but......whose packing heat while fishing from their boat?

Just a question, why would you need "heat" in the boat? Have you ever had to bring out the heat? Just curious, I have heard this many times but nobody ever explained why you would need it.

I carry one of my daughters old mechanical paintball guns.....never had to use it. Have been tempted to with an annoying jetflea or 2...
I carry all the time. The boat, truck, everywhere. I do have a permit, and do so legally.

Eric, I will try to answer your question. I have never needed to pull my gun, ever. I thank God for that. I will say this, it is a whole lot better to have and not need, than the other way. I pray I never need to pull my weapon.

I pack in the boat, I fish late afternoon till dark quite often in some fairly isolated large reclaimed stripper pits in my area(Bluegrass lakes in southern IN) and sometimes when I am loading my boat to leave quite often there are some strange fellas hanging around the parking lot! I do have a carying permit.
If I am staying after dark,and it is a rough area,I have 30-30 in the rod locker.Fatrap,I worked the BPS Spring Classic(Shimano pro staff)and was going to look you up,but I was wore out and headed for home as soon as I got off both days,one of these days will get to shake hands and put faces with names.
I can't do that, cause I fish in the border with old Mexico and that is and instant life sentence for anyone carring a weapon. I have never had any problem's with mexican fisherman or any one else. Even if you just have a bullet with you, sorry it will be bye bye for you.

Too bad I'd of like to met you anyway. I usually work mondays and or Thursdays. At the gun counter ofcourse.

I've had to pull my gun once while fishing and that was years ago when a group of young men fancied my wife while I was getting ready to leave the parking area. They left no doubt what they had in mind.

With all the meth heads around here after dark in the country is asking for trouble.

Ace my parents lived on Falcon lake for close to 30 years. Dad always has something with him but your right not there.

Mike, next time I'll make my BPS run on a thursday,and I WILL make a pit stop at the guns;)
Always. I had a run in with a fella I locked up about 4 years ago. I was coming into the launch after dark, just me and my dog, and he was sitting on the dock drinking beer with his bud's. I immediately recognized him (because he was/is an a$$hole), he had one of those I know you from somewhere looks on his face but he couldn't place me. My dog (100 lb Boxer) didn't like any of them and he let them know it with a low gutteral growl when we walked by. When I returned with my truck to pull my rig out, he had apparently placed my face and let me know it when I got out of my truck. He began to walk toward me while enlightening me as to how much money he was out because of the troubles I caused him. I asked him nicely to stay away from me, he did the what are u gonna do about it, so I let my dog back out of my truck and let him answer for me. The guy backed off in a hurry, along with his friends. I didn't have to show my plan B (heater), I still have a Levi's jeans pocket in my boat..I'm not which butt my dog collected it from.
I don't have a license but if I'm going anywhere unfamiliar and know I won't be out until after dark I will be carrying. My brother always reminds me of his friend and him fishing in Florida 'I don't know where'. They came into the ramp just as it was getting dark and it was only their vehicle and another in the parking lot. He told me there were two men lurking around both vehicles and then noticed that one of the men had a rifle or shotgun and he became concerned. My brother's friend also saw it and he had a .357 in his tackle box and under the pretext of storing stuff around in the boat he managed to get it out. They were hoping that those two guys would leave before they had to get their vehicle but no such luck. They started walking toward my brother's boat with a menacing attitude when my brother's friend came out from around the boat and pulled out his pistol and said for the other two not to come any closer and lay the rifle down. They hesitated long enough for my brother to pull out his 9mm. from wherever he had it hidden and to repeat what his friend had said while walking toward the two Floridians. They laid the rifle down and my brother picked it up, shotgun, and aimed it at them while his friend loaded the boat on the trailer. He then unloaded the shotgun and thew the shells in one direction while throwing the shotgun in the water.

He said they didn't even tie the boat all the way down but pulled out and took it easy until they got on a main drag where they stopped and hooked everything up correctly and stopped shaking. My brother and his friend both tell me, with conviction, that they have no doubt that the boat, all of their gear, my brother's vehicle and probably their lives would have been taken had they not have been carrying thundersticks themselves.:eek:

I may go to Florida with my big sister sometime soon to see another sister but I wouldn't dare go without packing something..

Uncle Billy
heard It was getting bad In Okeechobee..I never had any problems but you never know.Coming from Kentucky(where everyone carries a gun ) It never hurts to have one around....Better safe than sorry..Just know what your doing with It...Common Sense
Thanks, for the explanations and the stories, I have never encountered such an event and hopefully never do. I don't own any type of firearm (personal choice, PRO NRA, PRO 2nd Amendment), but you guys make a great case for the investment.


Ace my parents lived on Falcon lake for close to 30 years. Dad always has something with him but your right not there.


Man I shure would like to meet them. I fish Falcon every weekend all year round.
heard It was getting bad In Okeechobee..I never had any problems but you never know.Coming from Kentucky(where everyone carries a gun ) It never hurts to have one around....Better safe than sorry..Just know what your doing with It...Common Sense

I was broken into at a launch at Okeechobee. They took everything out of my truck except one duffle bag that had shorts and t-shirts in it. I was staying in a tent, so you could imagine how much stuff I had in there. Not a good deal.

Thanks, for the explanations and the stories, I have never encountered such an event and hopefully never do. I don't own any type of firearm (personal choice, PRO NRA, PRO 2nd Amendment), but you guys make a great case for the investment.

I have been thinking this too. Especially considering how close I am to Detroit. But after the Mayor's speech last night, I dont see myself headed to Detroit for ANYTHING except a few Tiger games.
I'd be too tempted to use it with sooooooooo many boneheads out there!:rolleyes:

My Mom and Dad sold out and moved back to Iowa for good last year. This was there first winter here in decades. Health reasons. Need to be close to family.


Another situation that I almost forgot. Man(to remain unamed) returns to recover boat at dusk from a oxbow lake that lies on state boarder. Not a real good section of town. Boat owner finds four young toughs sitting on boat trailer drinking beer. Boat owner politely ask young guys to move as he wants to get boat trailered. Spokesman for boyz says boat owner needs to pay the rent for use of the parking lot. Boat owner says "how much" Spokesboy says "How much you have? Boat owner says his wallet is in the boat with his fishing license and stuff. Needs to go get it. Boat owner returns with revolver and says "I don't have much money but I have something here I can share with everyone." Police car pulls into parking lot. Much relived boat owner explains situation to which officer says situation not uncommon here which is reason he checks lot. Youths are made to leave. Boat owner made to unload and stow weapon. Leaves and never fishes urban lake again. This happened mid 1980ties to someone I know well.


Sorry to hear that ur folks sold out. But like u say u have to get close to family when time come to be close. Fatrap u should have bought the house it's a awsome lake to fish. Which I bet u already know that from ur folks.

sad to say In thirty years I never visited them there. They alway came there. My first trip to Texas was when Dad had an annureusm and wasn't expected to live. He was in McAllen at a special heart hospital. They sold in Zapata and bought in McAllen I stayed until he was out of the hospital. Never wet a line in Texas. Pretty dumb huh? He spends his time now cutting firewood(83yrs)tough old Pollack.

Usually carry while I fish.

Out on the water and around boat ramps, help may not be easy to come by quickly. Unfortunately, there are low lifes out there who like to target ramp parking lots as a place to get "free" stuff. Particularly when coming in after dark, I'd prefer to be armed.

Well, I generally pack my cell phone but have never seen the necessity to carry a handgun (concealed or otherwise) with me while fishing. While I don't believe that we should do away with conceal permits I think there are too many wacko's who have carry permits and are just looking for an excuse to use their handgun.

I have never looked into the criteria for having a "concealed weapon permit", I would like to understand your reason(s) for having the permit other than just for protection. Responses are appreciated. However, I am not interested in starting the urinary olympics over this subjec but just interested.
Always tell them you carry large sums of money......Never know when a good cash deal will pop up.....JR:)
I'd rather have and not need, than need and not have. i.e.: You don't want to be the fella holding a knife in a gun fight. (Unless you're Chuck Norris or Jackie Chan...LOL!!) All it takes is one serious confrontation to yourself or a loved one to see the necessity in my book.

In GA getting a concealed license is fairly simple. The county sherrif fingerprints you and runs a background check. Then you swear out your CCW affidavit in the county courthouse. A couple weeks later your license arrives. Other than carrying for personal protection, the license comes in handy at gun shows or in an over-the-counter gun transaction. With a permit you can buy and leave. Without it you have a waiting period before acquiring your purchase. Other than that and being legal to carry, I can't think of any other benefit to having the license except it's another form of govt. issued ID.

My stance on gun control: I'll give mine up when it's proven everyone else has! :rolleyes:
I don't carry in the boat. Never really thought about it and fortunately have never had any close calls. Funny story though. We were crappie fishing up the river one year and just whackin them. every fish we caught the closer evreyone else got. Well we had been listening to this old gobbler all morning and my buddy couldn't stand it any longer. He said " I've had enough. Take me to the bank." He pulls a shotgun out of the rod locker and I drop him off. Need less to say when I motored back to our spot the rest odf the boats cleared out!lol! It was the funniest thing I ever saw. By the way 23 lb Tom with a ten inch beard!!

I didn't till I moved here, but then Beka bought me a couple of cases, and now when I fish in the cold, I pack heat in my pockets!!!

Oh, right, wrong "heat"!! LOL

I'm with Eric, don't own (and definetly not here in China) but personal choice, PRO NRA, PRO 2nd Amendment...

I'm more comfortable with most of you carrying, then a lot of the idiots i've seen in GA (nothin personal Dan and Rich!! LOL)

Hey Trep did you watch that video? I don't remember if you told me or not.

Fatrap - Yup Eli and I watched it a few times! Makes me homesick!!

Thanks again!

Bill, regarding "wackos with carry permits."

This is a common argument the anti-2nd amendement crowd likes to use whenever concealed carry issues come before a legislature.

Florida, where CCW has been in place for over 20 years now, was the subject of a criminology study doing a statistical analysis of crime rates for CCW permit holders. The study found that CCW were 840 times less likely to commit a crime than the average person. From an LA Times articles citing the study:

"What we can say with some confidence is that allowing more people to carry guns does not cause an increase in crime. In Florida, where 315,000 permits have been issued, there are only five known instances of violent gun crime by a person with a permit. This makes a permit-holding Floridian the cream of the crop of law-abiding citizens, 840 times less likely to commit a violent firearm crime than a randomly selected Floridian without a permit."

(my emphasis in bold)

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