P.F.D. Importance

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Timothy Oliver2

Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2003
Reaction score
A freind of mine e-mailed me this story, his 16yr.old son was on this boat.

56NM off mayport, almost due east. Trolling. See some debris in the distance, lets go check it out. Wait that debris is waving a red flag at us. Wait, those are people.

Long story short, we found 4 guys floating on their capsized hull. They had been in the water all day and night, they took a wave over the side in the storm that hit early saturday. They probably would not have been found for another 24 hours if we hadn';t found them, giving their location.

Called CG, they found a navy boat a couple miles away. We waited on scene, gave them some water and life jackets just in case. Navy boat got there in 30 min, sent over a zodiac and picked the 4 guys up. They are safe. Makes me be even more thankful of all the beatiful days we have on the water, and make it home safe.

The boat was a 23' sea ox, with brand new twin 90s or something. They lost EVERYTHING except 1 backpack. I asked the guy if he had insurance and he said "I don't know, I think so." I think they sank the boat but I am not sure, we saw a pretty large fire after we trolled away off the bow of the navy ship.

Sea Ox is a tough boat, not much ya can do when ya get knocked over but stay with the boat. I also question why no PFDs, that was a healthy squall line that blew through Sat Morning. Help me understand why you guys didn't bring them on board? I don't question your decision (I think it wise) ....just wondering.

That was one of the oddest experiences. I am just glad we were able to get them on a dry boat. Seeing that destroyer up close was pretty sweet! I can only imagine what it most of been like when that boat flipped in that mean storm! Glad no one got hurt though!

This was wrote by the guy that found them off the Georgia coast.Nels sent me a picture of them standing on the hull.If I can find it I 'll post it.He thought they had really lost their son.A real nerve racker.Blames all his gray hair on this type of thing bringing kids up.


We need to be constantly aware of the fact that it ain't no Disneyland ride we're playing on out there. I have to confess that my boy and I had gotten lax about wearing out PFD's while were were running around in calm water. After a couple of stories like this bringing me back to my senses we are both wearing our safety gear when ever the big motor is running. Thanks for the reminder.


You are doing it right Harpo, If only everybody had that much sense.
Gives me shivers!! I had a dream 2 weeks ago that a rogue wave knocked me out of my boat (I even recognized the place on the lake it happened) and as I bobbed in the water I watched my rig running 70 mph down the lake with no one inside......I had a client that weekend...I made him wear 2 PFD's...LOL.

I witnessed a person, from a distance , loose his life in calm cold water. Lost control of his procraft. No life jacket and no kill switch. I Always wear one now. Glad to see these guys were ok.
Man, These guys were out on a Big Pond.Very lucky to be found.I got lost out there in the fog one time and made it to shore with a 1/4 tank of gas 30 miles north of were I put in.Made my butt pucker prudy hard with a boat that would float and P.F.D.aboard.

Safety first boys and girls! Kill switch ALWAYS EVERY time the big motor fires up - NO QUESTIONS!! LifeJackets, gotta havem on. I'll admit that while I REQUIRE (Law or no Law) that all kids in my boat wear them 100% of the time, I don't wear mine unless it's cold. Gotta change that!
I got in the habit as soon as I got my boat.It's start the motor and put on the life jacket while I wait for the water to start peeing out of the motor.

I am so used to doing it, I even catch myself putting it on if I am just puttering 100 yards to the other side of a cove.

After awhile you won't even think about it,you will just do it.
