Is the bilge automatic when turned on or does it need to be shut off when bilge is empty? Manual, IF you see water in the bildge, its raining hard or you have watched water come over the transom/rear deck coming off plane or with waves, turn the Bildge on, and it will pump out the side behind the drivers' seat, but you WILL need to watch it and turn it off, or you'll burn out the pump. I only use mine in heavy rain, or when a lot of waves/rough water.
What do the three positions on the livewell switch? Beck's right - manual/off/automatic - Manual is a constant ON pumping water FROM the lake into the livewell, you put this on when you are initially filling the live well, watch it as it fills and when it get to the top/overflow (look inside you'll see the overflow on one side under the lid/side), then turn it off. Off is just that. Automatic runs the aerator, it recirculates the water already IN the livewll and thus provides oxygen for the fishies. When I fish in the heat of summer, I fill the livewell (Manual) with the first fish, then flip it to Automatic so that ever 3 minutes it turns on the aerator, and then about ever hour I flip it back to Manual for a while to get new/fresh water into the livewell.
One more, it has a guest battery switch (can't find the manual online) and I'm not exactly sure how to operate that. Any help on that would be appreciated. Like Beka haven't seen one of those, I have a guest charger on my boat (only 1 i'll ever have) but it just plugs into the extension cord and no switch...mmmm...
Hope this helps
Now lets see some pictures!