Our club is GROWING!

  • Thread starter John Astrello [URL]http://www.rockhillbassclub.org
  • Start date
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Texas Transplant

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX
Last year, we had several major problems, that left our club with between 6 and 8 anglers fishing. That's an optimitic number. We added a few new members in the fall.

Then as we started to approach this season, we go some momentum going. We had some new guests/members in January at our rules/planning meeting. Then last night, the damn broke.

We had 26 anglers at the meeting last night, and have 12 boats launching (all but one with two anglers) on Saturday for our kickoff tourney.

It sure is a nice feeling to actually have some folks participating, for a change.

Should have results up on our website for the tourney, along with pic's late this weekend.

Tex, that's a great start for the New Year!

Will you launch from Ebenezer? What time is weigh in?

Have a great TX!

Harry - no, we are launching from Big Allison (8:00AM), not too far from Ebenezer. I believe that weigh-in is at 4:00PM. You are welcome to come by, if in the neighborhood.

Thanks MM on the cudo for our website. I'm really encouraging our members (especially the President) to get their camera's out, and get some pic's. Then I can really make it a lot better.


How was it today? Did you mark a lot of fish for tomorrow?

Did you fish Big Allison Creek?



It was cold and windy! No, we didn't fish big allison today. We ran up the lake to try some spots. Fished some, rode and looked quite a bit though. Partner got a nice 2 1/2 lb chunk up the lake in an area that always produces.

Coming back down the lake was rough and wet. Was on the water about 4 1/2 hours or so (got out late) and headed back a little after 2PM.


Yeah, there were times this afternoon late that the wind was gusting pretty hard. Sunshine sure was nice though!

I almost dislike the wind more than cold! And, when it is cold, windy and wet....wellll...

Had hoped you had found fish a bit more active. Don't guess you noticed or heard of any crappie activity back up in Allison did you? I'm hoping to get out middle of next week.

Will be checking your website for TX photos! Good fishing!

It was great having 12 boats at the launch on Saturday. Even better with the two big tubs full of bass being weighed in.

Only way it would have been better, is is I would have caught more than the 1 8" lm that I landed. Tough day on the lake.
