Operation HERO (long)

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Adam Murray

Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2001
Reaction score
Hey folks! Long time, no chat...I apologize for my long-term absence, however, serving as VP of a large advertising agency leaves little time for fun and frolic! It's time like this, though, that really make it worth it. Being part of something this big and helping people in need really does something for your soul.

I've cut&pasted a news release sent out by my company this morning. Any help you can provide, whether it's financially or just spreading the word, would be greatly appreciated.

As my boss and I were watching the early coverage of Ivan, we were almost possessed by the notion of somehow helping those in need. Tim grew up in southern Louisiana, my parents and other family live in Panama City and many of our clients and business partners are in the SE US. We also own a charter fishing boat docked in Orange Beach and consider Mobile and the surrounding areas our second home.

Tim has already put up approximately $100k of his and our companies money buying every available generator in the DFW area. His Suburban and a 20ft. trailer are loaded down with these and other powertools, coolers, tents, blankets and anything else we could find that might help those without power, water or shelter. A satellite phone was purchased to help victims call their families and let them know their situation. Our companies Citation II aircraft will be used for transporting supplies and personnel into needed areas. Our pilot is also arranging for several helicopters to be made available to further this cause.

We have contacted every known media outlet in all major markets but most have been slow to react. FOX news did a great story last night but, unfortunately, told people to log onto operationHOPE (should be HERO). CNN is taping Tim right now but can't promise when it will be aired.

A call center has been established and operators are ready to accept donations. All monies will be used to buy equipment, water, food, fuel and any other necessary provisions. Again, any possible way you can help us would be very appreciated.

If you're in any of the affected areas or know someone who is, our hearts go out to you. Stay strong and we hope we can provide some assistance to keep you safe and begin the rebuilding process. Godspeed!

NEWS RELEASE_________________________________For immediate release 09/16/04

For information: Michael Nortman, media contact (214) 361-7767


Dallas-Based Advertising Agency Takes Charge In National Humanitarian Endeavor

Adam What a great cause I wish I knew you on a person to person basis. I will research the web site and the number then call. Sorry I am so untrusting but I want to help but don't trust people as much as I used to.

I don't blame you one bit, Bruce. It kills me that people do take advantage of situations like this (looting, stealing, setting up fake charities). It is what it is though...if you'd like, shoot me an email and I will give you my cell phone #. You can also call the # on the press release (my office) anytime next week.

If you look at my member profile, you'll see I've been around here for awhile. There's a lot of older members that should vouch for me as well. Like I said in my original post, though, it has been some time since I last posted here. Too much going on with work lately. Heck, I've only fished three days this year (and one was with Mini who took over my boat and wouldn't let me catch fish!)
Adam I did check your member profile before I even replied I was not trying to insult you. I just wanted to let you know I wanted to help but also wanted to make sure it went where it was needed. I ment no harm or diservice "Once bitten twice shy"

No prob, Bruce, I completely understand! One time I gave $20 to some poor dude that ran out of gas right on a highway off ramp. Coincidentally, he ran out of gas at the same place the next day...and the next, and the next, etc. Figured out it wasn't exactly a coincidence!!