One of those days....

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Bob G.

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2000
Reaction score
I went fishing today like I usually do on Fridays. I launch and load my boat by myself all of the time. I hook one end of a rope to the winch hook and use a clip to attach the other end to the bow eye on the boat. I floated the boat off of the trailer while a guy and his wife watched. They were waiting to launch. I unhooked the rope from the winch hook and walked on the dock to tie it up. I pulled the boat to the end of the dock so the other guy had room for his boat. Next thing I know....the wind is blowing my boat away from the dock towards a bunch of boats that are in their boat slips nearby while I stand on the dock with one end of the rope tied to the dock and the other end not connected to the boat anymore!! I think the rope wrapped around the clip and released it. :eek:

The motor was still tilted up and the prop just missed gouging a boat as my boat blew up against the only open spot on the whole dock. It even landed on the side that the boat fenders were on. Whew....almost had to call the insurance company!!!

Later on I was fishing some grass with a Senko and set the hook on a submerged tree!! Something in the Spirex reel broke and rendered that rig useless!! The funny part about that is that it was my only bite all day!!

Loading the boat was business as usual!!

Bob G.

There's nothing like catching good ole' earth!

It's the biggest thing I've ever caught! ;)
I'll bet watching that had the ol' rear end puckered up !!!!! :blink::blink::blink:

Glad to hear everything went well.

I'll bet you didn't post on Bill Barham's Good Morning NTOWS post yesterday did you? Don;t mess with that curse man - there's no need to take chances like that!

Glad nothing got damaged and it's all the more reason to take someone fishing when you go. I've had more than a few hooksets into an ole StumpLunker myself and even swore a few of them were pulling back... :lol:

Greg Walters

At least you got to be on the water Bob... I've caught many a stump myself and some days it was the best hit I got..

And I bet you are a Rusty Wallace fan and a New Orleans Saints fan. No one else has that bad a luck.

Put the bottle of "Crown" down before you launch,........the extra hand will come in handy!!:lol:
LOL @ Mac!!!

Greg...if I waited for someone to go fishing with me....I'd hardly ever fish. I have Fridays off when everybody else is at work and my kids are still in school. The ramps are less crowded too.

Bob G.