On Board Charger Question/Issue

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Al Greco

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2001
Reaction score
I know I should have bought a Guest but I purchased a ProMariner on board charger 4 months ago. It stopped working 3 weeks ago so I sent it back to ProMariner including the original box, instructions and warranty information. I received a charger back today but it wasn't new nor was it the one I sent in (serial #'s are different)Mine was in mint condition with not a scratch on it. The one I received had scratches on the case and the leads were definitely worn, this charger was showing major wear. To say it politely I was not a happy camper. Besides the charger not being mine I didn't get a box or the warranty information back. The box it came in was damaged, not exactly a great customer service first impression. Is this typical to get a used item back to cover my warranty? Is it standard practice not to give me my original back if it was fixable? My expectation was that since this is "supposed" to be a sealed item I would just receive a brand new one not the piece of junk I received. I can't wait to speak to someone there in the morning! Sue I hope you can set me straight on what I should expect. I too have learned to go with the best right off the bat, should have bought a Guest. Who knows maybe I'll win one at the Rally!!
They probably replaced it with a re-conditioned unit and your original warranty would apply. You should have kept your paperwork......no, you are right, you should have bought a GUEST and not had to ever use the warranty. Live and learn. Sometimes you do get what you pay for.

I have sent off other electronic items, such as radios and car stereo, for warranty work and recieved back items that I could tell weren't the same ones but they were in like new condition. I could tell they were factory re-contitioned but they were packed in original packing with liturature ect. I think you should call the factory and cry FOUL!!!!

When my Guest charger quit,I made a phone call and a brand new one showed up at my door three days later.

It had taken me two days after making the call to get around to taking the old one out of the boat.The new one was sent out based on the info I gave them over the phone.

I also had no recipt or any paperwork to go with my charger either.

Steves reply reminded me of when I got my Garmin finder. The first one was a dud (sometimes that happens). I called BPS and they sent me a new one and just trusted me to send the old one back.

That's why my next charger will also be a Guest(hopefully one from the rally).

When they asked me how long ago I had bought it,the best I could do was "around a year ago,I think".

First class.

I have no ties to Guest,just a satisfied customer.

Soonerfan, I bought it from BPS but thought since it was considered "electronics" I thought I had to deal with the manufacturer. I kind of wish I would have called, maybe I would have received a new one. I sure have spent a ton of money there.
Al, it wouldn't hurt to talk to BPS. You never know they might try to make you happy. They do value their customer service reputation.......

on everything except their boats.

Al,I would call BPS and explain what happened.You do deserve a new one,BUT seeing as you got a charger in return you may be S.O.L.

From a customer service standpoint,you got shafted.You should get a new one and the old charger repaired and sold as a scratch and dent discount.

Soonerfan, Just called BPS and they directed me to call back in the morning when thier customer service people are working. They said normally they will take anything electronic back within 1 year of purchase. I may be in luck. I may be able to send them the piece of junk one I got. I still have no confidence in the reliability of this charger. Would like to see a Guest in the boat at the end of the Rally. I'll cross my fingers.
Rich Stern, can we add a feature on the site called "Shoulda boughta Guest"?? I don't know how many of these stories we've heard, or how many we've had -- Sue, your product rules!

As we all know, in almost every industry, if a unit is returned for replacement under warranty, it is standard practice to send a "factory reconditioned" unit. Often, these are brand new but just have a stamp on them.

In any case, a replacement unit should be "like new".

Pro Mariner has just let us all know - all 1600+ of us - what they think of their Customers.

Sue had sent two chargers to be given away as prizes at the rally!

Hang in there! Maybe one of the people who wins one will already ahve a Guest Charger and be willing to work with you on replacing your "other" brand!

Thanks again, Sue!
Just remember on warranties. There is virtually no warranty that will ensure that you receive a 'brand new unit' if you send in your older/broken one. They warranty to repair/replace at their discretion.

Now, the wires and connections should be in good serviceable condition. They should have sent you a 'good' reconditioned unit.

Also something to think about - for this does happen.

Your unit was repaired and sent to shipping/receiving. So was another. The guy boxing them up, making minimum wage, put yours in one box, and the one you got in another. Then put on the labels. It is quite likely that someone else in the country got back your 'nicer' unit, and is happy as a pig in slop.

No matter how hard anyone tries (companies), the best intentions are sometimes throttled by execution at the strangest places.

I have a ProMariner (purchased when I was short on money and the rep made me a great deal), and it has worked well. However, I would prefer a Guest, and may get one later this year. I don't think I'm getting a 'full of a charge', as I should be getting.

Boats, charger, graphs, TM's, reels, fishing line......you get what you pay for.

Sorry for what happened to you Al, but I disagree with "me". I DON'T think it's the standard to replace with factory refurbs. Just the opposite, I think it's the norm for REPUTABLE companies to replace what was bought new and defective WITH NEW and WORKING. Just like Guest does when their very occasional charger fails. I've never had one fail, but the few that I've read did, were replaced with new, no questions. When my Eagle units crapped out, Eagle sent me NEW ones. Just a matter of how much integrity a company has IMO.
I agree Rob.

The reconditioned units should then be sold as reconditioned at a discount.

Just my $.02
All, Talked to a rep at ProMariner and they are going to send me a brand new one, all I have to do is return the refurbed one I received. I think they ponied up and did the right thing. I told the guy I was speaking to that I posted my issue on a public website and said the common consensus was "I should have went with the best and bought a guest" I think that bugged him a little bit because he came back with "Customers of Guest buy our products all the time." All in all they stepped up. My next charger will be a Guest.
What he left out was,.."Customers of Guest buy our products all the time,......but just once...and always first!!"



SueD. ROCKS!!!
Al, Happy to know things worked out for you. Sometimes you just have to grease the wheels of industry a little.

Re: refurb units on warranty work. What ever happened to the idea of fixing the goldang unit you send in and sending it back? Is that too complicated?

Not complicated but time consuming. They would get bashed for taking too long to fix the unit. With re-furbs they are all supposed to work and they can then just box and send.
