Okay... April 2 & 3.... Illinois Get together

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Greg Meyer

Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
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Here's the latest... Seems like enough folks are able to make it to Lake Shelbyville on April 2&3... Actually most will arrive on Friday the 1st...

A few things... No consensus YET on a ramp/facility... There are pros and cons for a few... So that discussion is yet to solidify...

How about dinner Friday night with a "speaker (local guide) to go over the lake... probabaly be like $10 per person for the guide's fee... I'm looking into a restaurant that has a secluded room and a buiffet so we could be together and still let everyone eat what they want...

Next, a big "forgot"... you don't all need to haul a boat... We probabaly will have excess boat space... I'm cahsing crappie that weekend... So there woiuld be room for me and two or three others in my boat...

Questions, comments and ideas are needed... Stay tuned

ANYBODY and Everybody is invited!!! It is "dis-functional" than organized.... We are just planning on being there on that weekend and enjoying "the company"...

Email me at [email protected] if you want to be notified as things develop...
Here's the relevant portion of the text of an e-mail I sent...:

" Here's the "what"... We have in the past had various forms of "get

togethers", "RALLYS", etc. in various places over the last three years.

The end result has always been that the majority of folks who made the trip

had a good time meeting other folks from the NTOWS. So, here's another

chance to do that, meet some other folks from the NTOWS and have fun. This

time it is (tentatively, so its almost a sure thing) scheduled for April 2-

4, 2005 on Lake Shelbyville. There isn't any "Official" anything... so

there is nothing to "buy" or "register for"... You just show up (we'd like

to communicate with you so we can take silly pictures and say hello and have

an informal all species fishing tournament, etc... talk, trade lies and meet

up, etc...) and maybe have a picnic or "sort of" official dinner someplace..

etc... See how "unstructured" this is... We usually make it all up as we

move along towrd the date...

What should you do if you are interested... Easy, (send an e-mail to [email protected]) and say "keep me posted".. . And, as we get closer to the date... we'll refine our tactics and let you know what everyone else has to say about this idea...

If you have any questions or have any ideas send them along to me...

Pretty simple... "

So "come on down"!

Sounds good to me. I'd like to chase bass for a while, and I don't mind hauling my rig down there. I'll stay tuned.......


Did you pick up on the post that Tox is sneaking back into Wisconsin on July 30... We HAVE to chaperone him again... It's the law... They don't want him wandering around the State lost, endangering the populous...

Sure did - in fact, I marked the dates on my calendar with black ribbons. The irony of him calling the two of US dangerous! LOL

BTW Tox,

Are you staying at the same place again? I thought you had mentioned something about the property going up for sale.

I can most likely make this trip...boater or not just let me know if you need me to bring it.

COOL BEANS!! We will be back in Waupaca, we got another cottage on the same chain at the last minute. It is much later in the season than I am used to, so I will have to do some more experimenting. I''l go anywhere TJ can talk me to.LOL!!


I'll let you know how the number of boaters/non-boaters shape us as people let me know... Are you in for the "Tox gets lost in Elkhorn again trip"... Or the annual "shadrap in the ear" memorial outing... (Goes by both names on the Wisconsin Tourism site)

TJ... I'll be staying at the same place... I'm the resident paramedic that weekend, again...LOL
Hey Tox...

You see where Carlos is going to bne in Illinois... So what "beverages and snacks" do I need to stock up on?
I am going to be iffy on the July 30th trip...I will just be returning from a 9 day trip and vacation may be an issue. I might be able to meet up over the weekend though. I'll have to play it by ear...no pun intended!
OK Tox you come to.Heck It's ILL..Not that big of a trip..Jr
LOL at Corey!

Actually, Tox, the fog was so thick that morning I had a hard time finding my truck in the parking lot. If I get another chance to play navigator, I may not be so kind:)

TJ's been practicing...; "Okay, Tox... when you come to the "T" in the road...hit the gas and go straight..."...LOL