OK OK, I'll stay with the family!

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Rob LaMoy

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2001
Reaction score
After looking carefully at what I'm going to spend next season chasing all the northern Everstarts, I've decided to buy a new/used boat. Well, I want to know EXACTLY what I'm getting, so I have decided to in fact buy Buzz's 896 as soon as I get mine sold. I may have to take a hit on mine, but I know what I'm getting with Buzz's boat and there will be no learning curve come spring because I know the boat inside and out. So I'm staying with Nitro! There you happy! LOL First thing I'll do is put a jackplate on it! So I fully intend to get a NitroOwners.com tourney shirt and stomp some serious tail next year for y'all! I found my full time co-angler that helps get me in. If you have co-anglers sign up with you, it gets you in quicker. Hope to have the schedule soon. So when I come to your neck of the woods next year, you BEST get your rear out to see me and help during prefish with at least a few local tips. I will only prefish on weekends, driving through the night Friday's fishing all day Saturdays, sleeping in my truck that night, fishing Sunday and driving home through the night Sunday nights to work Monday. I need all my vaca for the tourneys themselves! Champlain is the last I believe in Sept. I will be picking brains this winter after the schedule is released. Anyone else fishing? Buzz and I might hit a few LCI tourneys, and he is planning on fishing as a co-angler on the Champlain 'start. I really need to focus on those 4 tourneys both mentally, time wise, and financially so the rally and other tourneys are out of the question next year. It's all or nothing this year, so thanks in advance for your support. Any suggestions on what I ought to name the boat once I buy her? "Kiss This" is the name of the current boat. (This ought to be good!)
Rob - just a question, is Buzz going to hold onto his boat till you get yours sold - or might you need to look for another if Buzz get's an offer eariler?

As to boat names here are a few:

- Passing Tin

- Nitro Rules

- Here Fishy

and can't pass up this one - Momma's New Living Room!!! LOL

On behalf of at least me, and I hope a lot of others...and Rich (I really do hope) if, you like it how about naming it "The Nitroowner's (.com) Boat" ...
Why? You guys going to help pay for it? LOL

Trep, Momma is GETTING her new living room this weekend! How about Daddy's new bedroom! LOL Actually I need something short and to the point that will fit on the engine cowling or transom! It's bad luck to not name a boat, so she needs a name! How about bassus mobile? LOL Wake Jumper? Since I'm a coors light fan....silver bullet? Especially since the efi is silver! Come on, where's Toxic and Mac, they'll have something good and inappropriate! LOL
Hell, I'll chip in a dollar or two!

Rich D

I'll pay for the letters for both sides of the cowling!! Maybe you should name it "Quiet One"!! HA HA!!

Bob G.
How about in honor of Buzz helping you out, "Buzzin'"

If that don't work, what about "Lamoys Toy"
I thought about it all day. Paint it on the front in huge letters MOVE! That way you have clean water in front when you open her up.
tin sniper

run tin tin


big mouth (no pun intended )

NOPE, nothing just stands out yet. I'm sure I'll know it when I see it. I was going to name it after my wife, but she pointed out that I trade in boats every 2 years so........LOL Yeah, maybe not the best idea! I used to have a friend that always introduced his wife as his "future ex-wife". It seemed like he was kidding......they're divorced now!
As you well know Rob (and anyone else who is married) marriage is a self fulfilling prophecy.

Toad Hunter

On a Wing and a Thong

TOXIC (yeah, I'll let you borrow it)

Black Fly Express

Shoo Fly

These are in Neeley's honor (if there is such a thing)

Nauga Chop (go Mac!!)

Champy II (Don't forgert your roots)

I'll keep thinkin........
Kinda tough to live up to, but you have to have the "attitude" to succeed.

How about "No Brag....Just Fact"

Might get you whooped too.

Here are some more ideas:

Just FISH!

1st Place

Not 2nd!

I fish therefore I win!!

Eat my roostertail!

See ya!

Rip Lips!

Trep, I like See ya, but also Kiss This. Doesn't work in the big leagues though as the guy with the 911 and Merc 250 Pro XB goes zipping by you at 77 MPH!
Thats cool Rob... I am planning on fishin all the Northeast BFL's next year with maybe an Everstart or two mixed in. I have to wait to see yanno..

I would of went straight to the everstarts, but I wana build some more tourney expierence before doing the whole tour. Thats why the bfl's are great.

As for boat names my last boat was called, "The Snapper". Dunno what I'm gunna name the new one yet. Maybe "Headhunter" or "KickBass" or "Rippin Lips"


How about: You asked for this


Bass Packer

Wet & Wild

The Answer

The Truth

Tail Chaser

Tin knocker

Have a Nice Day

I always thought it was bad luck to rename a boat? But hey it's only glass right......LOL


P.S I know this was put to rest but I are a little slow..
rob i e-mailed you a web site with a large boat selection. stan