OK got it loose, now how do you REMOVE the divider???

  • Thread starter Michael Trepper
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Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2000
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OK gang, used my feet to press the livewell divider loose, now I can't figure out how to get it OUT of the livewell!! It's 13.5 inches long at its shortest, and the opening (either side) is no more then 12 inches WIDE???
Jigsaw.... Hacksaw..... etc... I don't know much about the Nitro dividers, but I know on my old Cajun, I wanted the divider removed.... and once it was removed, there was no reinstallation. I though maybe I could bend the plexiglass, but it was unbendable to that limit to get it out, so the only way to get it out was to cut it and permanantly remove it. I used a jigsaw to cut the middle and when I got to the edges, I switched to a hacksaw blade removed from the hacksaw, held with a pair of vice grips. Took less than 1/2 hour to cut and remove.

All the best,

Have you tried lifting it out from it's side, corner to opposite corner (diagonally)? If not, and you wish not to modify, why not leave it in the bottom? LOL!! You should be able to flex it again to fit it out the opening diagonally. Good luck!
I would just lay it flat in the bottom of the well. Once there is water in there is shouldnt bounce around.
Dan - I've tried every angle I can think of and it won't come out. At this point I wonder if they put the divider in BEFORE they put the top cap on the boat? But why have a removable divider if you can't take it out?? I'm somewhat afraid if I flex it enough to bend that extra 1.5 inches it seems to need it MAY scratch/break part of the fiberglass opening???
Take the boat back to the owner you bought it from, and demand a refund for selling it to you in this condition.



Or require him to swap me for his current boat, straight up!! After he gets the seats back fixed of course!!!! BBBBWWAAAAA
Trep, id bet that you are right that they put the divider in they put the top cap on. My 882 looks like its setup the same way. On mine it looks like there is no possible way i could ever remove the divider if i ever wanted to its way to big to fit out the holes.
You have to bend it to get it out. It won't break. I got mine out with no problem once I decided I didn't care if it broke. It turned out that it's pretty durable and can be bent quite a ways before it hits the breaking point.
It might be easier to re-install the divider and just bend the fish.:lol:

Rick - Any suggestions on which way to position it before I use my immense Trepper strength to try to bend it?

Gene - TOO funny!!! I just don't fish tourney's at all and the longer livewell will help IF I get a few decent sized stripers till I can get to the baitshop to ice them down!! Also gotta think of a good way to keep bait in the livewell seperate from the fish. Saw a mesh bag type insert from BPS that looks interesting might just try one of Beka's laundry bags first, but tell her where it is and clean it before I give it back to her for her pantyhose!!! LOL
Trep - I'm no expert, so I may be wrong on this one, but I understood stripers needed to keep moving in order to breathe. Keeping them in a livewell doesn't seem like it would help much for keeping the stripers alive. Seems that icing them down right away may be the best for keeping them fresh for eating. At least that's what a Lake Anna guide did when I went out with him. As for bait, I've kept LM's and minnows in the same livewell sans divider and didn't have a problem. Could be that being stuck in a box, even with fresh circulating water, kind of made the LM's lose their appetite! The only problem I've had with that has been the LM's attempts to fly out of the box when they see daylight as I open the lid to get more minnows!