Oh boy, electrical problems (I think) with the 1800FS

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Ben Robinson

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2002
Reaction score
Finally got a battery hooked up to the boat for the first time last night. T&T worked fine, starter turned over, I've got spark at the plugs, all guages seem to work. BUT... none of the accessory switches or accessories work! Hit the master, nothing. Bilge pump- nothing. Aerators- nothing. nav lights- nothing. Also, the overheat horn didn't beep when the ignition was turned on. Ideas? Where are the fuses located on this boat?
Ben, as for the beep at ignition, mine never has done that. But the rest, it sounds like you need to check the master panel. Good luck buddy...........mine was a MESS! In fact, I just hit a wave 2 months ago that knocked out half of it again. Now it's back to square one before I can sell it. It's and easy fix, but time consuming. Have fun, you have a winter project on your hands for sure.
The switches and fuses are integrated on my 1800 -- the red buttons next to the switches... Sounds more like some sort of issue at the source though -- check your connections at the battery...

Man... this is gonna be FUN... I hate electrical issues. I'll put my brother in law on it- he's the electrician of the family.
Ben, keep in mind that the wiring on the entire panel is a progressive groud. Meaning that it's only one ground wire coming in that jumps from switch to swtich. If you lose one in the beginning, you likely lose all the switches thereafter, like the old Christmas lights. One goes out, they all go out. Good luck finding the ONE. If you do, my bet is that your problems will be solved. Clean up that wiring this winter and you will save yourself many future headaches down the road.
Hey Rob- my bro in law got it figured out on Saturday. The power wire coming into the master switch was totally corroded! The rest of the wires looked great though. Weird. He pulled the power out of the plug and spliced it directly to the other side. It all works now!