Of karma and car wrecks

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Rich Stern

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2000
Reaction score
Some of you may have heard that the governor of NJ was in a bad car wreck yesterday and was seriously injured. Lots of broken bones, some internal injuries, and facing a long recovery.

He was travelling in the front passenger seat of a state SUV, driven by his assigned state trooper driver, with another trooper escort car in tow. According to reports, the car was sideswiped by a pickup truck trying to avoid another "erratically" driven pickup truck.

You might be asking, what's the irony?

He was travelling to a meeting with Don Imus and the Rutgers women's basketball team.

But wait, there's more.

He wasn't wearing a seatbelt.

So, not only was he wasting the NJ taxpayers' money with his intended itinerary, but now they get to foot the hefty medical bills from his personal stupidity.

I don't wish harm on anyone, even an idiot politician. Perhaps this will serve as a helpful lesson to politicos that they are not entitled to free lunch.
I guess he couldn't resist an opportunity to pander to the cameras.

I'm also still waiting on Sharpton to apologize to the Duke players and to Jewish and Asians he's called slang names over the years.
Rich you don't even want to get me started on politicians?

Sure I do, Mike. :D

I'm also still waiting on Sharpton to apologize to the Duke players and to Jewish and Asians he's called slang names over the years.

Woody, I hope you are a patient man.

We have a Democratic Senator who has a tropical residence but uses his inherited home here as his quote" Offical state residence". We only see the phony at election time. He's a party hack and quotes the party line and verse like he invented it. He's on my frequent email list and I believe he will address our graduates next spring. Now that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Our political system is so screwed up by self serving career politicians that it's doubtful anything of merit can be done. They infest the political body like sores on a lepers ass. But that isn't news to many.

Just hearing the word politican makes the bile rise in my throat. I really wonder how this country can contine to be great with idiots like Hillary Clinton stating that the American people need someone to tell them what they need like she's an expert on anything.

Ok Rich that's my brief view of things.

I'm lined up behind Mike though I think he may be more optimistic than I am.. I feel the politicians of today have done their best to destroy what a lot of better men and women from the past strived to make and perfect. It makes bile rise in my throat also Fatrap..Well Said!!

Uncle Billy
Cut their salaries in half,(w/NO lifetime pension).....put a two term limitation in place and we'll see these "career politicians" disappear!! Elect people who actually WANT to be there for reasons other than a "career w/ lifetime benfits and the ability to vote yourself a RAISE" and maybe we can get something done!! :wacko: Most of these yahoo's in D.C. have long forgotten about their constituants and the lip service they doled out to get there in the first place and now they're only looking out for themselves, their cronies, and their ability to get "re-elected". Continued electability. political power(i.e. personal agenda's) and reaping tax payer funded benefits is their goal now.....NOT genuine public service and looking out for the good of the country!! :(

If businesses were allowed to run themsleves like they run this country...they'd be bankrupt in months!! (But on the other hand,.....when an exectutive runs his/her company into the ground,..they usually get fired with a multi-mullion dollar severance package..:angry: ) Career politicians and over the top "politcal correctness" are ruining this country (IMHO)...and the general public doesn't seem to care (infact news agencies and special interest groups THRIVE on it...that's the saddest part of all:( ) Oh,..by the way,..since Don Imus got fired for his stupid-ass comment,....when will Al and Jesse go after the rappers and comedians who say the exact SAME things every single day and they're getting rich from it!! Get THEIR contracts revoked,...boycott THEIR record labels and sponsors,..speak out against THEIR treatment and descriptions of women!! If they're going to throw the race card around everyday and demand that people be held to a certain "standard" or DEMAND they lose their job,..then they better start maintaining the SAME standards across the board......NOT just when it's an opportunity for their self serving personal agenda's!!:angry: If they don't speak out at EVERYONE whom they deam "offensive" ...then WHO's the racist?? :angry: It's a joke!

As a teacher I've coined a phrase "The dumming of America" . Look at our movies and youth culture. Adults with profits as a motive dream up all sorts of gimmics and toys geared to appeal to young people without thought as to how this will affect them. Movies showing druggie dumbells as heros and school teachers and educational systems as a joke do a tremendous amount of harm as young people strive to emmulate the plots of video games and the idiots.

Glamorizing ghetto gangs and the gangstra mentaility is huge in the dumming of America. Compair positive roll modles shown in the media as compaired to the negivtive rollmodles. It's more profitable to be bad.

I could go on and on but you get the idea. What's this have to do with our politicians? They're the gate keepers of our society and they're not doing the job.



Sad sad sad:blink:

The dumming of America is RIGHT!

Must be in the water?